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My great friend on twitter @ToomeyWright asked a question today” who would you like to listen to reading a phone book?

So many wonderful voices came up – those of Morgan Freeman, Stephen Fry, Anthony Bourdain, Martin Sheen, Peter O'Toole, John Gielgud, Donald Sutherland, Michael Caine, David Reyne, Frank Thring, Winston Churchill, Mirka Mora, Billy Connolly, Penelope Keith, Clive James yet there was only one voice I could come up with: my late Dad.

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From American friend 

" After our daughter of fifteen years of age was moved to tears by the speech of Greta Thunberg at the UN the other day, she became angry with our generation “who had been doing nothing for thirty years.”

So, we decided to help her prevent what the girl on TV announced of “massive eradication and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.”

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Just when you thought crazy couldn’t get any crazier, they manage to outdo themselves.

Sperm Positive is an awareness campaign in New Zealand that could connect people with someone HIV positive if people wanted to have a baby using a donor's sperm.

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The present is the past within the blink of an eye.  It is from the present that we can preserve the past and protect the future. The present is the most important time of all.

We are now facing a time whereby our Present will determine not only our Future, but our Past as well. The Left are trying to paint our memories out. Re write history. Repaint our past. 

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Our American friends will be celebrating their  Thanksgiving Day shortly and they have a lot to be thankful for,   a truly wonderful President,   a Country gathering strength and making American Great again.

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I have just read with horror the number of babies and little children being  brought up as total Vegan fed victims.   I wonder if the parents of these unfortunate       children were similarly brought up that way.  

Oh No.  Probably not. 

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When 2015 nominations came on to the calendar, the normal line up of Presidential hopefuls were assembled. To the left, the mob of leftie luvvies headed up by Hillary Clinton. To the right, the line up of Republican aspirants who hoped to topple Ms Clinton from her dynastic and despotic rule of quasi Royalty.

And along came Trump…..

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Written by Mike Williams @theoztrucker - sincere thanks Mike for taking the time to write this great piece. 

I look at the state of our country, the changes, the political rubbish, the spin and I think no matter who we vote for we never get what we want or expect.

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I read this hard hitting comment on Pickering Post written by a contributor BruceRugby and was struck by what he said.

Brendan Tarrant was, as many would remember, the man who carried out the Christchurch Massacre in New Zealand, back in March 2019.


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I just got off the phone from speaking with a friend for 2 hours. She is from the bush. Her son, a farmer, committed suicide. He left behind a wife and heartbroken children.

The last of his breeding cattle went to the saleyards and the SPCA said that they were too poorly to be sold. Take them home and fatten them up.

How? He has no money to buy fodder.

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An “ asylum seeker “ detained on Manus Island has been flown to Australia, courtesy of Dr Kieren Phelps Medevac legislation which passed during her brief sojourn as a Politician. Yes, the poor chap felt deflated and inadequate after injecting his old fella with Palm Oil in the hopes that it would become a chick magnet.  But, alas, it seems that instead of getting a really tall palm tree with a few ample coconuts hanging off, he ended up with a dead tree with no oil at all.

Come on Jacquie - repeal Medevac!

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