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 We all feel the burn of anger, outrage and patriotism these days. 
The heat of frustration. 
The passion that sometimes leads us to hate what we love. ...our Nation... yet love it we do. 
We are Patriots. And we will always be so.  We just need to know that our country says ": Back at you. ":  We need our Governments to love our Nations as much as We, the People, do.

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While sitting in my car contemplating the vastness of the Universe, as I am oft to do, I noted a very simple, everyday occurrence. A pedestrian left a building and stood by a crosswalk. An approaching vehicle stopped and waved the pedestrian on. The pedestrian entered the crosswalk and proceeded, leisurely, across the road. The vehicle then proceeded on its way. A simple, everyday occurrence.

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That new article about the rugged men made me think of the  brave and real men that saved our community  of Peregian , Peregian Springs and Marcus Beach  .   That marvelous effort was not done by whimps  and chaps who have no get up and go , that effort was done and is done by good honest caring men .    The Fire Fighters put out a yearly Calendar  which helps fund their courageous   endeavours .   Now there is a set of rugged men ,  men who we can all be proud of.

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In 1929 a Brisbane based Engineer, Dr JJ Bradfield, came up with a plan. A plan that could change Australia forever. The Bradfield Scheme. The man who designed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Underground Railway system and Brisbane's Storey Bridge came up with a plan to drought proof Australia forever. Yet it has never been implemented. Why?
I wrote this  over a year ago - it needs highlighting today. Check out The Bradfield Party. 

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Today I learned that an old family friend passed a few days ago. His passing marks the end of a friendship lasting over 50 years.

He was 85 years old. To have him leave us is, in many respects, the coming to the end of an era that I will miss enormously. The heady days of normality and laughter; joy and down to earth values. So vale John and let me say your life was a life WORTH having been lived.

A life when hard work and a solid marriage and having children and a home were all that one aspired to.

A normal life.


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Trump has been all over China since at least 2018 and gave a warning to them to pull their head in or risk consequences. Well, they didn’t pull their head in and they are about to face the consequences of their arrogance.

He offered every opportunity to save face. He gave them every chance to stop breathing fire on the world and let things cool down. Instead, China has upped the ante, increased its arrogance and challenged America to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

President Trump has risen to that challenge and is not about to back down.

In the story about St George and the dragon, St George slew the dragon by finding its weak point – the soft under belly.

Trump has found China’s underbelly – trade. Money.


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The image here is probably one of the most recognised in the world today.  It needs no words to explain it and no article written about it…. Yet, today, it took on a whole new meaning for me.

I saw it as an image that works two ways- both ways. You can be silent and turn a blind eye and apparently hear nothing if you are paid enough or frightened enough.

Let’s face it, there are plenty of people who have grown rich and powerful from having “ turned a blind eye. “

It can also mean, as it has traditionally been represented, as keeping a veil over unpleasant or hurtful things that could damage you or someone else.

What an amazing image, when you think about it. And one that has never been more relevant in today’s uncertain times.

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The Victorian Police Commissioner Graham Ashton defended a Melbourne police station’s decision to fly the Chinese flag on the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic, saying it was merely a way of engaging the local Chinese Australian Community.

On Tuesday, Box Hill police station flew the flag, alongside an Australian flag, during a ceremony which also featured the Chinese national anthem.

It is interesting to consider what the anniversary “ celebrates. “







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Neighbours when you get a bad one move into the street  it     effects everyone.  

A bit like neighbouring countries, really.

Doesn't it make you realize how much we depend on our good neighbours.   The call for help, I am going away for the weekend can you bring in the bins.   I am going to be gone for the school holidays can you water my pot plants and a few special things in the garden.   Oh and my mail , can you collect my mail .  We are only too happy to oblige our good, helpful, friendly neighbour because they do the same for us  or their neighbour . 

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I  received this email this morning and felt it was worth putting up on the site. What do we make anymore? All we do now is rely on Royalties from exporting our minerals so that others can profit and we then import the value added commodity to our raw materials.

Our State Governments are against our Federal Government and we have become a Nation divided. Are we even a Nation anymore, or just a collection of States who riccochet from one catastrophe to another? 

What is it to be Australian today? It seems to me that, sometimes, we are just a collection of fractured and fragmented pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that was disassembled and no one can be bothered to put back together again.  

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When Greta uttered those three words “How Dare You’, she effectively diffused the climate change argument.

Not only did she diffuse it, but she almost destroyed it.

How dare I have a different opinion to her?

How could anyone disagree with her?


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