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 Update from Feather 26/09/2019

I never believed that this would happen. NSW Parliament voted unanimously to abort female babies and at term. 

My heart is breaking. While Mattel battles to make Barbie doll a transgender binary idol and George Soros promotes child abuse with Greta Thunberg; while a 5 year old child in America is put on a sex offender's register for cuddling, hugging and kissing; while President Trump is showing more transparency than any other President in history, our Australian NSW Government has passed a Law that allows the murder of little girls at 9 months term. 

God, help us. 




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A few nights ago, my cat attacked me. Not a friendly scratch, a loving bite or a misunderstood “ what the hell is going on? “ attack. She ripped my face and scalp while I was sleeping. It was 5am. Just as the rubbish collection truck rolled in.

An early hour in anyone’s book. That being said, my first reaction was to bury my head under the pillow to escape the fury.  Was my hitherto tranquil and delightful companion somehow demonically possessed? Did she have a brain tumour? Did she somehow turn “ nasty? “  Did I need to euthanise her?


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You may have heard of the superstition .. if a knife accidently  drops a male is expected  to visit.  I had my son  60+ helping do the dishes this morning and a knife dropped on the floor , I reminded him of the saying.

I was enjoying a nice quiet afternoon reading  and I spotted a car pull up outside my gate so I went out to see who it was.   Two teenagers, turned out to be old neighbours who had been gone for 6 years.    They used to stop by on their way home from school say hello and play with my little Jack Russell.    Twins, who also happened to have the same birth date  as mine.   I looked at them and they were laughing and then I recognized  the lad,  his arms were out and he gave me a big hug.  We laughed and the three of us reminisced about what had happened and what the plans for the future were.   University , studying a useful course was on the  agenda and the lass was  going to TAFE,


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Last week, saw President Trump make a massive fuss of Australia. Now, while I am flattered, I could not help but ask myself “ Why? “ Considering the Prime Minister of India, Mr Modi, was also in America at the very same time, why was Australia so honoured?

The Trump/ PM Modi  joint Rally attracted 50,000 adoring fans and Trump applauded India’s Sovereign borders policy and talked of the Islamic threat. No doubt referencing the Pakistan Islamic militancy and the August revocation of Article 370 . in relation to Kashmir, a much disputed area important to Pakistan, India and China. It seems that Trump was implying support  for India in this decision.

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Climate Change or Mind Change? Take your pick. It is all about manipulation of the mind according the climate of the political day.

And today's political climate MUST change.

Take your pick. Use it for coal or use it to dig us deeper in to socialism where the only winners are those that are leading us, like the Judas Goat, to slaughter.

Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared.




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This morning I was driving down to the local shops and saw the aftermath of the recent bushfires.  The scorched and blackened trees a dreadful reminder of the act of two teenagers with an attitude problem or too much time on their hands? Who knows? Who will ever know.

But what was extraordinary is that just over a week later there is green on the ground below those tortured and damaged trees. A soft blanket of green new growth.




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I have just been told the NSW Government has just rejected  banning the killing of little girl babies in their very insane Abortion Bill.   Not only that  but still going with the 9 month allowable abortion murder.      I wonder is that why the Left want  men  to be so sexually mad that they only want to have sex with one another ????  Let's face it, what man in his right mind would have a relationship with these crazy women of today???? As for the women   they must be so cruel that they can see a little full term baby murdered just  because it is a girl!!!! 




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 Update from Feather 26/09/2019

I follow this site and have once or twice written here. But I have never been moved to write about my Religious beliefs or my Faith before.

Is this what is happening? For those, like me, that believe in the God Almighty, are the lyrics of this old Jimmy Swaggart song more important than ever they have been? Do we have to be so emotionally outraged and, yes, offended, that we cry tears of rage and grief at the passing of our old lives to a new realm of horror? As a God Loving and Christ supporting member of the Human Race that chooses to follow Good rather than Evil I have recently become numbed with pain and unable to comprehend the power of Evil that pervades and swamps our Lands.




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Allan Savory works to promote holistic management in the grasslands of the world. I discovered his work, quite by chance and am an instant fan. I wrote this back a year ago. It is worth bringing up again.

Nearly a year on,. we are in Paris  and we are not doing a damn thing about dams, water mangement or the outback. What a crock of limp wristed soy boys we have in Parliament!




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There are those that believe that it is the woman’s choice because it is her body. Yet I wonder…. Is this unborn infant – referred to as a foetus by the woke brigade – this little person – deserving of some protection in the sanctuary of the place it calls home for 9 months?  Is this little one less deserving of protection, nourishment and the right to thrive and prosper in the only place it can call home? This child has no choice – it cannot up and leave and go to another country or city or place where it could be welcomed with open arms and a loving heart , a cuddle and a welcome mat. No, it is the only place this little one CAN call home.







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I watched a programme last night where  the panel were talking about abortion,  One of the comments made was , and if  the little baby is still alive when the cruel deed  has taken place the little baby  is left in the  sluice room to finally die.   The "lady" on the panel said  " Oh no that is a lie, totally untrue".      It makes you wonder why they say such things,  when it is true.   Are they one of the  women who have killed a little baby in such a way.   Now feel so guilty about it they have to deny anything  to do with abortion being bad.  




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