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A few years ago the only scooter in our area was my late husband's Mobility scooter.   Registered with the  Transport Department , all legal and  above board.   ( Australian vernacular for legal for those of you unfamiliar with our turn of phrase  )

The Mobility Scooter as a mode of transport is usually owned by someone who used to drive a car  and is aware of the dangers and is much more alert.   


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Who do you support? Men and women or non men and non women?
Think about it.
Diversity is killing us.

Every day, we are embracing men who want to be women and women who want to be men and all the while, I have to ask…

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Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own Australia.  I am supposed to apologise for a crime I did not commit 200 years ago; I am supposed to apologise for being born with white skin, which, to be honest, is a curse in the sunburned country.

Having had melanomas, skin cancers, all manner of things white skin related, I suspect that I have  been well and truly punished for my white skin. I don’t really need to be told that I should pop off and shoot myself for having been born ..... that the left have suffered enough..

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I read an article on  ( shudder ) ABC this morning. I don’t normally go any where near that viper pit of leftist lunacy but I received an email from a friend who felt that I should read this particular article.

Well, as I said to him, it made my blood boil with anger.

What kind of country have we turned into?



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from one of my contributers who prefers to remain anonymous.

" I live across the fence from a Housing Commission set of flats. 

The father is a bastard of the enth degree. 

He treats his daughters like vermin. But that is OK because he is Indigenous.

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Well Coles, after all these years I bid you a sad farewell. I genuinely thought that I was doing my weekly grocery shop, not attending a political rally.

It is IGA from here on.

Withdrawing your sponsorship from the Alan Jones Show is a move that will cost your bottom line.

Oh, I know that my pennies are but drops in the bucket in the scheme of things. But they are MY pennies and they mean a great deal to me.

If you wish to join me in my protest, let Coles know. 1800 061 562.



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All around the world, there is a growing sense of imminent crises… it is as though some central command has set the stage and choreographed the scenes that will come to the climax in the final scene.

The storm is coming and we may have to batten down the hatches. 



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We have all heard the chants from the leftie luvvies that guns kill people. I remember reading a comment online somewhere that if taking guns off people was the answer then surely, in order to cut rapes, men need to chop their dicks off…. Such is the logic.


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 When I taught adults in a mature learning setting, I suggested that our own view of a situation was what influences our perception of the same facts and the same scenario.

I cited the tale of the flooded river. The bridge was washed away and a young woman was left on one side of the river, her fiance on the other. She desperately wished to get across the river to her beloved, but the only way was by ferry and there was only one ferry.

She approached the owner of the ferry and explained her situation. He said that he would ferry her across, on the condition that she slept with him.


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If I ask myself who I truly respect and admire in the field of Sports, I would have to say Israel Folau and Margaret Holmes a Court.

Two Christian sports people who stood up for their beliefs in spite of fierce back lashes downunder.

Compare their sacrfices to what has happened to Adam Goodes and Colin Kapernick and you will see the pattern: two defended their faith and one defended his right to be a racist.



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We seem to have an outbreak of mental health issues throughout the world. Yelling “allah hu akbar “ is not terrorism, apparently it is a mental health issue.

People murdering others, massacres carried out – mental health issues.

There are people whose brains have been addled by drugs and they have mental health issues. Addled by religious zealous or fanatical indoctrination.

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