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written by Guest poster Jan Beaumont.
My name is Jan Beaumont, I'm 75 and live in the Logan Campbell Retirement Village in Auckland, near the beautiful Cornwall Park.
" I'm obviously of an age where I had relatives leave NZ and go to war and at this time of year I always remember and silently thank our brave fighting men. I felt it was now time that it was more than silent, hence my ANZAC Tribute. "
Thank you Jan. I am reminded of that quote from John Milton written over 400 years ago :" They also serve who only stand and wait." 

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Malcolm Turnbull, by trying to destroy decent people, destroyed what little integrity he had left. His venom has hurt no one but himself. The ABC, by supporting his hatred, has highlighted their disregard for Australia and Australians. 

It has been an extraordinary display of childish, nasty and incredibly vicious tendencies from a man who was leading our Nation for no other reason than we allowed him to be the schoolyard bully. Malcolm - putting the TURD and BULL shit into the spotlight.

One day, he may reflect on this book and its release and wonder why the hell he did it. Or is he so delusional that he still thinks that he was right? 

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I cannot help but think of the great poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  when I consider the world today. Paul Revere, that famous Patriot who rode so valiantly to warn of the impending attack by the then enemy. The British.  

Yet today, we are faced with a far greater enemy and this enemy is attacking with much more vigour and cunning.

And it all comes down to money. The fiat petrodollar. Where Paul Revere was a Silversmith, it is gold that today may be our salvation – but it still requires a rider of enormous stamina and bravery to bring us all to that place we wish to call home.  And so I will tell you a story about money. Because it is ALWAYS about money. Just with the British in the War of Independence, everything is always about money.

The petrodollar is any U.S. dollar paid to oil-exporting countries in exchange for oil. The dollar is the preeminent global currency. As a result, all international transactions, including oil, are priced in dollars. Oil-exporting nations must receive dollars for their exports, not their own currency.

President Trump has always been keen to return to the Gold standard. He said:

“Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do—but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money.”

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John Steinbeck wrote a book back in the 1960’s about when a man is discontent about something that is so important to him, he changes into a different man,    looks at things differently,    says new words. 

We have entered that winter of discontent.

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Redhead is frustrated at the level of Police State that has emerged. I agree. She'll no doubt perk up when some of the restrictions are lifted... as she says, so much of it is so ridiculous if you don't live in an infection zone. Who would have thought that China could be so deceitful and manipulative as to unleash a virus that could bring Democracy and Capitalism to its knees?

Anyone who thinks that this was accidental has rocks in their heads. This was a deliberate attack on the Western World and not a soldier deployed. China will be laughing all the way to the bank at what has been the most successful war ever waged by a Communist Regime against the entire Western World. I am not sure if they do high fives in Beijing, but, if they do, they will be doing them with great gusto.

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We are at the showdown folks. This will be show down. This is the thing that will sort out who Australia is, what Australia is and the future that Australia can look forward to.
To China or not to China? That is the question.
Who will prevail? Who will defend China? Who will not?
We are about to sort the wheat from the chaff my friends and I believe that the husk is about to get very thick. In fact, we will be so covered in it, we won't know the hell is going on.
It has always been about China. Our wonderful Nation, country, identity as Ozzie, has been invaded for a long time. 
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Never, in my nearly 65 years of life, have I found so much wrong with the world. 

Oh, yes, there have been times of worry, times of concern, times of outrage, times of grief. But never, ever has there been so much wrong with everything.

My late father was a child of the Depression and a member of the Navy in the Second World War. He contracted Tuberculosis, had, albeit mild,  Polio, went to Hiroshima with the Forces and never once did I hear him say in his 89 years that he was afraid.

If he had been alive and with us today, I would have to say that he would have been afraid. Very afraid indeed.

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How many of us are thinking of making a run for the hills? Or, as the Americans would say, about to get a fast stage out of Dodge. Will we be forced to ask ourselves what we will do? Try to hide, or stand and fight?

This Lockdown and removal of our Liberty is sure happening fast, and that is one hell of an alarm bell for me.

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Australia is probably the Jewel in the Crown as far as the world is concerned. A rich Continent and - man - it is rich.

Australia is one of the only - if not the only - Nations  in the world that is capable of self sufficiency.

Think about that my friends. Think about that.

Yes, Australia can make a Nuclear Bomb, a lithium battery, a wind turbine, a bridge, a building, ANYTHING.

Only ... we don't.

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Is Federalism dead?

The United States of America and Australia both embrace Federalism. The idea that we are part of the One yet still part of another subgroup.

I have always proudly declared myself a Queenslander. An Australian? I have never really come to terms with that. My home is Queensland and my identity is as a Queenslander. I have never followed AFL nor have I ever had a desire to venture across the border in to the foreign territory that is New South Wales or elsewhere.

I am a banana bender, proud and true and I like my way of life.  Oh, forget Brisvegas… those people are not Queenslanders. They are urbanites who could live in any city in any state or any country in the world. They march to the drum of popular socialism and inclusivity. They drink from the cup of decaffeinated coffee, soy lattes and kale shakes. Where I come from, we still drink beer, toast our mates, laugh at jokes that are probably piss poor as far as the leftie luvvies are concerned and we stand by our mates.

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It is becoming very troubling - I am hearing concerns from people who are employers where there is this new sense of " entitlement " from people who are exploiting the new grandiose of the State.

Expecting more and more for doing less and less.

This division that has been created where the have nots are demanding from the haves is something I worry will not be easily reversed. I heard one employer saying that they are looking at firing everyone and going back to being a sole trader - would probably earn more money with less stress.

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