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We have a tug of war going on at present in our countries, our cultures, our communities and our entire fabric of society.

The solid weave that we have relied on for centuries is being unwoven and re-set. In fact, we are witnessing a war unlike any other in history.

Not a war of men with armies gathering on parapets or places of strategic importance, but a war of ideals, commonsense and traditional values. Or are we? Is this a tug of war unlike any we have witnessed before? The tug of war whereby whoever shouts loudest wins in a battle of words, insinuations and accusations?

In the old days, a tug of war was held with two teams at two ends of a rope. Each team would pull at the correct time, release, recover and then come back to tug fiercely again. The timing was critical. To win, one had to have not just strength but strategy. When to pull, when to release, when to hold and when to nail that final moment when the opposing team would be caught off guard and be forced into weakness and be overthrown.

The age-old battle strategy of the tug of war has gone on for eons. 4000 years in fact. the Tug of War was actually part of the Olympics from 1900 to 1920.

Tug of War 1

The tug of war is known as a game, but in many respects it is what it always was: a struggle for supremacy Know when to pull, know when to yield and then know when to strike.

Nothing has changed.

The idea is to weaken the opposing side by tugging at the strategically correct time and then just holding the tension until they sense that they are in charge.... then bang. Give a hard yank on the rope and see them topple.

This is what is happening now throughout the Western World. The tug is becoming enormous. 


The Left and China are pulling, twitching and giving the odd tug. But they always hold their ground and never yield an inch. Meanwhile, we, on the other team, keep changing our strategy and swapping our team members out. We get rid of our strongest players and continually weaken our team because we get rid of our strongest strategic participants.

We think that by playing to the opposing team's rules that we can defeat them.


"  Aside from the raw muscle power needed for tug of war, it is also a technical sport. The cooperation or "rhythm" of team members play an equally important role in victory, if not more, than their physical strength. To achieve this, a person called a "driver" is used to harmonize the team's joint traction power. He moves up and down next to his team pulling on the rope, giving orders to them when to pull and when to rest (called "hanging").

If he spots the opponents trying to pull his team away, he gives a "hang" command, each member will dig into the grass with his/her boots and movement of the rope is limited. When the opponents are played out, he shouts "pull" and rhythmically waves his hat or handkerchief for his team to pull together.

Slowly but surely, the other team is forced into surrender by a runaway pull. Another factor that affects the game that is little known are the players' weights. The heavier someone is, the more static friction their feet have to the ground, and if there isn't enough friction and they weigh too little, even if he/she is pulling extremely hard, the force won't go into the rope.

Their feet will simply slide along the ground if their opponent(s) have better static friction with the ground. In general, as long as one team has enough static friction and can pull hard enough to overcome the static friction of their opponent(s), that team can easily win the match."

In other words, the leader of the team is the person who determines the outcome of the competition. along with the sheer " weight " of the team. 


What surprises and staggers me is that this tug of war that is going on at present is heavily weighed in our favour, in terms of weight and what should be static friction.

Instead, we are being overwhelmed by a group of Nancy Boys, Soy Boys and Feminazis because we have weak leaders who cannot or WILL not harmonise our rhythm and take advantage of numbers.

Are we going to be overthrown by a group of weak and vocal activists who couldn't organise a party in a brewery but have loud voices and man buns?

Yes we will.

download 9 

The Tug of War requires rhythm and leadership; on both counts we are bereft. 

We are pulling on the rope and hoping like hell we can stay upright, but we know, in our heart of hearts, that we lack that voice to lead us and tell us to pull with all the might we have in our hearts, our souls and the very depths of our being.

Our leaders have no connection with the game - just the after game party..

That is the sad truth. 

Yet we pull and hold and hope for a miracle that sees us triumph against an unworthy foe who, through lack of leadership, sees our team doomed to collapse in failure and undignified death.

I keep holding the line but my muscles grow weary and the rhythm has gone and all I feel is a desperate need to hold the rope and clutch it like my life depends upon it.

Because it does. 

This month here on Patriotrealm is all about war. We have been going down into the wonders of what our forebears did and how they gave us this glorious life that we have enjoyed thus far.

I cannot imagine how they feel looking at us being destroyed by a fake virus, a Chinese regime and a group of man-hating soyboys and feminazis who think that all that had to do was tug our rope and we would fall over.

Well, we have. We have fallen over


And they are within an inch of pulling us over the line. 

All because we have allowed them to. Our leaders have allowed them to. 

We have no one to blame but ourselves. 

We became apathetic and lazy. Too happy in our day to day lives. 

Well, it is time to pull back, grab the rope and start pulling. But we need to have that leader who calls the timing and marches to our beat. Otherwise, we can pull all we like but we will never get traction and never win.

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