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An elderly woman in Canada has been euthanised to avoid having to live through another COVID-19 lockdown.

90-year-old Nancy Russell ended her life by euthanasia last month in Toronto, Canada so that she did not have to endure another lockdown, despite the fact that she was neither chronically nor terminally ill.

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What we need right now is a bull in the China Shop. Someone who can sort the buggers out.  

No wonder the Left hate Trump and want him gone. They have thrown everything they have at getting him out of power and are not worried about breaking every cup, saucer, jug or plate if that means that he and his Presidency is over.

For decades, the Bull in the China shop has signified a rampaging beast who storms through the door and smashes everything to pieces.

Well, President Trump has sure done that. Because it really needed smashing.

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Year 2121 is of course now the first year of the final decade the UN designated their Agenda 30 achievement final period, having failed to achieve their goals originally scheduled for Agenda 21 when the Keating Labor Government of Australia became a signatory around 1989/90.

Another part of the climate hoax, creative accounting for global warming leading to the end of life as we know it. But climate scare, climate emergency nonsense, has not been gaining traction, believers have fallen from a high of around 70 per cent of people to about 35 per cent with varying understanding, many for example realise that weather and climate are related, climate is very long term weather conditions based, and varies from climate zone to climate zone, even here within Australia.

The girl actress who shouts: 'how dare you" has also lost traction, and apparently returned to school.

So what's next?

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I guess you could start by saying;  climate change and you will get two opinions.   Then again some will say the onset of creeping socialism, others the rise of Communistic China, a global power flexing its muscles. 

Some would say that the imminent fall of Donald Trump, is the biggest threat and the decline of the United States  as a power to protect what we in the West  call  democracy.

Others still watch the decline in human behaviour with violence breaking out across the globe particularly with the young to mid life age group that have abandoned law and order, that gave rise to a single incident that became the Black Lives Matter movement. 

During the outbreak of a virus that has  created millions of deaths we find all  sport following like a flock of sheep  and kneeling, ...not to God, but to a hoon, that went looking for trouble and aided by those click happy iPhone  marauders, fed the media and lit a fire that is greater than the pandemic virus.

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In the middle of the insanity and uncertainty that has been 2020, we must not forget the things that matter from history. December 7th is a day to pause and reflect on those who fought and lost their lives so that we could voice our objections to the injustice that is going on at the moment. We enjoy freedom thanks to their sacrifice. The attack cost the lives of 2,334 servicemen and servicewomen and wounded another 1,143.

The attack at Pearl Harbor was both a blessing and a curse, depending upon which side of the pond you lived. For the Americans, it marked the beginning of a bloody war that resulted in so very many dead and wounded; so much misery and pain. For the British, Australians, New Zealanders and other allies, it was an injection of much needed support  - both moral and material. 

We, sitting here today in our homes around the world, must take sober reflection about dates of National and International importance: without marking these days and moments from history, we will forget and that would be a travesty.

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I have just started watching the Georgia Rally and I am not crying. It is hayfever. 

The crowd chants " We love you " and I am sitting here, in my home in Queensland Australia and calling out " I  love you! ". I had to close my front door so my neighbours don't call the men in their long white coats to come and take me away.

Someone in the chat room on the RSBN stream just wrote:

" Make George Orwell fiction again. " How true.

The man on the stage is President Trump and he is the ONLY person on the planet right now who can make that so.

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Wandering recently through an arcade popular with the green smoothie set, I saw a sign boasting: “Plant Based Meat”.

Someone should advise those nutritional dunderheads that all real meat is plant-based. Real beef and lamb are built from live plants like grasses, lucerne and mulga, plus salt, minerals and clay; the best chicken is built mostly on seeds and shoots of wheat, corn and grasses plus a few worms, insects and gizzard-grit; and when I was a kid our bacon was built by porkers from pollard, whey and vegetable scraps.

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When I first read about this I wondered how on earth an island, owned by the people of Queensland had been leased to China. It troubled me. So I started digging and I have been down the rabbit hole for a week or more. 

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We seem to be so pre occupied with fear and tales of terror these days, don't we? If you are not careful with your choice of news broadcaster, you could believe that the end of the world is nigh.

The problem is that it does not matter which broadcaster you choose, all that is being reported is that the end of the world, as we know it, is on our very doorstep. If I am to believe my heart, I sincerely believe that if President Trump is cheated, yes, cheated, out of this election, then the world is doomed. If I am to believe the likes of Harry, Biden, Greta and their friends, then the world is doomed to fry in an inferno of global warming. It is a gloomy, miserable and fear filled future, no matter which side of the political divide you are on.

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1

Words have become corrupted and their meanings changed and manipulated. 

"Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. "John 17:17.

We have heard much about the number 17 for those who are followers of Q. To those of you who have yet to know about the Q movement, it began at the birth of the Trump rise to the prominance. The Q movement began on 4Chan in October 2017. It started with a mysterious poster named “Q.” That person claimed to be a government agent with ultra top-secret information. That person also said that he or she was on a mission to take down the so-called “deep state.”

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I watched the Lin Wood and Sidney Powell " press conference " today and I felt like I was at a revival meeting. I am in my latter years and it took me back to my childhood when I went to Methodist Rallies and it was nothing short of  amazing.

I heard the word of God and the power and the passion and the joy and the outrage and the raw emotion that evokes what is in our hearts.

I heard TRUTH. But something happened at that rally and it has come full circle today.

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