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Facebook and Twitter have joined the club of leftist scum trying to shut down people's voices. The warning signs have been there for some years. None of us can say that we didn't see the warning signs. The tragedy is that we saw it, ignored it and hoped the problem would go away. It didn't. It got worse.

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Yesterday, one of the top posters on twitter ( you know that thing that used to be rather popular and has just banned President Trump and dropped about $5 billion in value ? Yeah, that one ) started a hashtag #pelosilovestrump.

Now, that was very very wicked of the poster known as Catturd. But it has become one of the hottest trends on the dying blue bird known as twitter and is giving users an opportunity to bow out with a bang by trying to come up with comments and memes that best exemplify how Pelosi is secretly in love with President Trump and if she cannot have him, no one will.

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Unknown to most people except those with an interest in solar science, the sun is about to shut down. Well, not completely – we’ll still have plenty of sunlight and heat, but the small dark blotches on the sun’s surface called sunspots, visible in the figure below, are on the verge of disappearing. According to some climate scientists, this heralds a prolonged cold stretch of maybe 35 years starting in 2020, despite global warming.

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Abortion was the largest cause of death worldwide in 2019, ending the lives of an estimated 73.3 million unborn babies.

The World Health Organisation estimates that there were nearly 55.4 million deaths from causes other than abortion worldwide in 2019. Ischaemic heart disease was responsible for 8.9 million deaths, stroke 6.1 million deaths, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3.3 million deaths and lower respiratory infections 2.6 million deaths. Deaths from neonatal conditions of children after birth resulted in 2 million deaths, 1.2 million fewer than in 2000.

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How many of us heard that when we were kids?  Well, boys and girls, there are a few kids who are going to be in big trouble when Papa Trump gets back home and starts getting cranky at what has been going on while he has been " away."

And when Dad gets cranky, we all know that it will not be pretty.

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I suspect that this is a very deep spiritual battle we are witnessing at present. The powerhouse of the Vatican and ferocity of Islamic faith in the Koran -  against the Jewish Old Testament Torah and the Christian Bible.... it is no longer about Trump.
If we thought 2020 was bad, 2021 is going to be worse. No matter what happens, there will be civil uprising in USA. It is virtually inevitable. I am no gambler, but I suspect that people have their poker hands and are going all in.

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Over the past 5 years, we have been watching a giant jigsaw puzzle being put together. It is, as is often the case, only with hindsight, that we see the picture that has been building in front of us. As the final pieces of the puzzle are put into place, we finally have a picture becoming visible. And that picture shows a road leading to Rome.

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I am still trying to get my head around what is happening. To be honest, I am guessing and following threads on different forums and trying to weave a pattern of logic from those threads.
So what do we know?
We know that Trump asked his followers to come to Washington DC on the 6th. And they came.  As they have always done since 2015 when he announced his intention to run for President of the United States of America.
It was like a compulsion to many of us - we saw a glimmer of hope in a sea of darkness and we rallied to his speeches and rallied in person and hung on his every speech and tweet.
From the minute I saw him come down the escalator and announce his candidacy for President, I have been one of his staunchest supporters.

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President Trump issued a vague call for a rally in order to bait the traitors into planning a false flag. Please read the analysis below. 


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I was in the building where and when the woman was shot. I want to give some background of what led up to the event and some additional detail immediately after the shooting that I was only one of only a handful to witnesses and don't know if anyone else connected the dots.

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Supporters of President Donald Trump have breached the protective barricade around the US Capitol as the joint session of Congress convened to count electoral votes that would officially make Democrat Joe Biden the next president.

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