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Another 26th of January is on our doorstep. Only a few more sleeps before we gather our daggy thongs, search out the shorts with the flag plastered all over them and order in a few slabs, a keg or 3 and assemble around the barbie at the appointed hour ( normally around 11 am ) to tell a few mate jokes and have one too many.

We'll dust off the cricket bat and ball while the missus makes the salads and the kids are reminded that beer always lives in the bathtub on Australia Day." Oi !  Get your Dad a beer! " will resonate around this great dusty island and we will pull each other's leg and tell jokes about who had a convict in their ancestry.

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New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has resigned after months of rumors.

Ardern, whose popularity has plummeted during the last six months, told us “she had nothing left in the tank.” In her resignation speech, she called on Labour Party ministers to consider which reform areas should be priorities and which should be scrapped as Labour moves to try to wipe some controversial policies off its plate.

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I started writing this article about an engineer and ended up writing about money, water and going the distance in times of difficulty.
It happens a lot when I started to put my fingers on the keyboard:  I have an idea and then, boom, that idea turns into something else. 
And it all started with an engineer,  a lake and a plan called The Bradfield Scheme.  
It ended with a plea. So perhaps I should bring you back to the beginning and, hopefully you will see my voyage in words and my eventual conclusion. 

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Sometimes you get an email and think " Wow! I never knew that! "  Here is such a one.

When baseball greats Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig went on tour in baseball-crazy Japan in 1934, some fans wondered why a third-string catcher named Moe Berg was included. Although he played with five major-league teams from 1923 to 1939, he was a very mediocre ballplayer. But Moe was regarded as the brainiest ballplayer of all time.

In fact Casey Stengel once said: "That is the strangest man ever to play baseball."

When all the baseball stars went to Japan, Moe Berg went with them and many people wondered why he went with "the team."

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It is over 250 years since Captain Cook's discovery of the east coast of Australia and it's worth asking ... what was Cook doing here?

He certainly wasn't looking for Australia (or New Holland as it was then known) as Europeans had known it existed since the 1500's. 

Like many other Europeans before him, Cook was searching for the fabled land of Terra Australis.

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I am sick and tired of hearing all the critics of our countries - America, Australia, New Zealand and Britain.

Migrants who come and try and change us. As we approach Australia Day, I am moved to ask myself : why do they come here if they hate us so much?
Last week, I heard an extraordinary song. It was posted online because a question was asked:  what is the most patriotic song in Australia? Not the most Australian song, not the most Aussie song … but the most PATRIOTIC song in Australia.

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The so-called Aboriginal "Voice" is a king-size scam by the Labor Fabian/Marxists.

There is no official publication of what powers the Referendum will give to the Aboriginals, other than  Anthony Albanese saying that it will have no power to veto Parliament, and Linda Burney, the Minister for Indigenous Australians, saying it will only be an advisory group. However, in a speech given in 2022 at the Garma Festival, referred to at the end of this article, the Prime Minister gave three points which prove conclusively that a referendum will be entirely unnecessary, and no more than a political scam.

I wonder, when and if, people will know what they are voting for. 


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One’s personal character should be a life-long investment.

When a politician offers you something at other people’s expense, remember these words of the poet John Dryden: “Better to shun the bait than struggle in the snare.”

Dryden’s admonition would have saved us a lot of trouble if we had applied its insight consistently to our economic and political thinking. The failure to do so has produced one disaster after another. This, I believe, is a character issue. Just as Christmas is a core spiritual foundation of Christianity, so too should personal character be a core foundation of our lives—and one we should champion on more days than just December 25.

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It is so tragic. What a terrible place that we inhabit.

We all want to turn the clock back to days when boys were boys and men were men.

Women were elegant and nurturing mothers. Children were respectful and the family unit was a given, not an oddity.

Yet we have so many elephants in the room these days. What a shame. Because the real elephant in the room is a change to our Australian Constitution. 

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I would not normally comment on matters published on other sites. However, the thrust of the article was a denigration of Australia’s supposed subservience to the United States starting with our involvement in WW2 and gradual acceptance of American culture following WW1. 

If I have any comment to make I make it on the offending site but in this instance a comment posted on social media prompts me to break my own rules. I do not subscribe to it as a commentator. The reason being that I have run out of patience with having to conform to the regimes of user name, password, PIN number, one time PIN number and other requirements of identification I refuse to take on anymore.

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The council man was adamant:
“The Law must have its way,
The shed you built is not approved
It must come down today.”

“No doubt the shed is safe and strong
And no one has complained,
But plans and rules must bind us all
Or anarchy will reign.”

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