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I want to share this with you because it has to be one of the best songs I have heard in a very long time. Laurence Fox, once married to Billie Piper of Dr Who fame, the man who played Hathaway in the series " Lewis " went from hero to zero because he dared to call out the insanity of the politically correct cultists. 

Now rather well known for playing Hunter Biden in the Breitbart movie " My Son Hunter. "

Early in 2020, Laurence Fox rejected the idea of  political correctness and identity politics and spoke in favour of free speech. He was on a panel of the tax payer funded leftie luvvie BBC political show Question Time,  After expressing his Conservative opinion the left-wing activists were like attack dogs and in one moment, he had committed career suicide. His acting career was over. Until, of course, Breitbart came along

 I have not seen the movie. I am hoping some may be able to tell me what it is like.

“We’ll be reclaiming the language, the bravery to have an opinion, to make mistakes and move on. The debate has been shut down by all the language Nazis. We don’t need the new normal. The new normal doesn’t look very nice to me." he said.

Laurence Fox is a supporter of President Trump and is a voice of sanity in this increasingly insane world.

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Anyway, back to the song.I have placed the lyrics below and urge you to watch the clip of him performing it. 

He said of Trump:

‘I don’t know how any man could survive what they’ve put him through. All the bullshit Russian collusion and impeachment stuff. He just seems to take it in his stride.’

As his character James Hathaway said in Lewis " [quoting from the Night Keeper comic series] "There's a line between good and evil no wider than a razor's edge" 

They have put something in the water
They seek a cure for the conversation
They stole a march on your indecision
And the first to fall is laughter
Just to quell the long offended
They seek to murder your opinion

The light has been turned down on the age of reason
Replaced by blinding fires that burn wild across the region
For the wrong to rule
The good must just stand idly by

So I need you more than ever
Need your hands in this resistance
If we're going to go the distance
And if I ever doubt it
I think about my future
And if i want to live there

The world outside is wondrous wide for a reason
And if you can't decide, you must blow your own mind for that reason
For the wrong to rule
The good must just stand idly by

It can be hard to know what feeling
What with all the lies that you're reading
If it's hard to say, you may mean it

Don't be lost thinking about tomorrow
When today is what you are living
Make today your new beginning

The light has been turned down on the age of reason
Replaced by blinding fires that burn wild across the region
For the wrong to rule
The good must just stand idly by

So I need you more than ever
Need your hands in this resistance
If we're going to go the distance
And if I ever doubt it
I think about my future
And if i want to live there

The world outside is wondrous wide for a reason
And if you can't decide, you must blow your own mind for that reason
For the wrong to rule
The good must just stand idly by

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