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Mark Zuckerberg, the pasty faced nerdy kid who created a cool place for a family to meet has turned from family friendly to George Orwell’s Big Brother.  He is now a self appointed Minister for Truth and poised to become Mike Myer’s Dr Evil, minus the cat.

Something that started out so ostensibly benign has turned into a drug – not of choice – but of necessity – for millions around this globe we call Planet Earth.  Mark Zuckerberg is a drug pusher.

Like any drug pusher, he gets people hooked and then pounces.

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Put an ad online and in the paper with a headline of “ Free Work boots! “

 You see, all Lefties love free stuff. How on earth would they cope with a pair of free work boots? Would they still grab a pair and put them in the closet? Or would they turn them in to a fashion accessory? Probably the latter. I can see them now – wearing their rainbow hair, nose piercings, tattoos and sporting a pair of work boots as they sashay down to attend the latest “  mumbo jumbo my mother should have aborted me and that is OK “  rally . (apologies to Mr Gormsby.)

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Sarah Sanders, the woman who got her job and did her job because she was talented, hardworking and damned good at what she does.  No gender politics here – this tough lady shows what can be achieved when appointed for her merit, not her gender.

Sarah could run a masterclass for feminists and men haters around the globe. Here is a lady who has done a tough job and done it not only well but brilliantly.

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 “I promise you if I'm elected president you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We’re going to cure cancer.”

I have heard some big promises made by Politicians, but this one is a whopper. The tragedy is that he, like most of the Left, not only get away with it, but gets applause for it! If Trump cured Cancer, he’s be accused of putting hundreds of thousands of Nurses and Oncologists out of work. But Uncle Joe is going to perform a modern miracle and cure Cancer – but only if he is elected President. What if he loses or doesn’t even get the nomination? Will he say “ well, that’s it. I won’t be curing Cancer after all. “ ?

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Yes, against all predictions, Scott Morrison pulled off the impossible. He won the election. People who had a hunch he may win, and placed bets, cleaned up. The odds were good .. bookmakers were certain he could not win. One bookmaker paid out before the election, so convinced were they he had no chance. They won't be doing that again.

To what extent do we give Scomo credit? This seemingly decent but largely unknown bloke who makes no waves, rocks no boats, says nothing controversial .. in fact says nothing at all of any substance on anything .. to what extent do we give him credit for his win?


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I confess. I am a Man.

Perhaps I should head off and top myself? What have I done that makes me so toxic that Lefties hate me and my kind so much?

What is wrong with the world? I keep getting told that if things are bad then I should find some sugar to add to the mix. The bottom line is that there are times when there isn't enough sugar to sweeten the sour taste that is in my mouth when I read the crap that spews out of the leftist mouths.

Well, at this rate, we would all be diabetic if we swallowed the medicine the Left want us to swallow and I am not interested in their desire to turn me from patient into a patient.

I have had enough and so should you. The Left want to kill us. Time to fight back.

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She just can’t help herself, can she? Back on the front pages of all the gossip columns, MSM tabloids because Trump said that she said… oh come on, give me and the world a break .

She did say that “I’m voting for Hillary Clinton, not because she is a woman, but because Trump has made it easy to see that you don’t really want that kind of world that he’s painting,” 

President Trump said "I wasn’t referring to 'she’s nasty.' I said she was nasty about me. And essentially I didn’t know she was nasty about me,"

Who cares? Seriously who gives a shit?


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article courtesy of General from Whaleoil.

To all those who follow and enjoy my work, thank you so much for partaking in this adventure with me over the last 4 years. You’ve probably already noticed I’ve pulled back to an extent from social media – Twitter, Youtube and Facebook. I’ve been slowly moving towards a life less “lived” in the virtual world and more present outside of it.

 I have long wanted to pursue this less public life, but I have also felt a sense of duty to stay and make a difference. It’s not that I don’t deeply enjoy the creative and political aspects of my work: it is that I would prefer to find that fulfillment in a more private capacity. I’ve finally decided to fully make that commitment.

Rest assured, it is not that I regret my past experiences. These have been the most formative and phenomenal years of my life. I’ve made profound friendships with some of the most talented and brave people in politics and philosophy. You know who you are, your duty and decency in a world that has consumed many with pride and dishonesty has always inspired me. You will always have my respect and support.


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Brexit has become something much greater than a referendum of the People to leave the EU. It has become the Battle Cry of the silent majority who have had a gutful of the tyranny of big government and corporate interests and where politicians can do what they like. 

Time for a clear-out.

Three years ago, Brexit was a word that was coined to describe the (then) imminent departure of the UK from the European Union. Had the Tories done their job, everything would have been sorted and settled and things would be on an even keel. The status quo of the two party system would have been intact and the People would have quietly gone about the business of voting Left or Right, Labour or Conservative and meekly voted for bad or worse.But no.

Theresa May and her cohorts stuffed it up.



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  1. Why is Trump being so cagey and unconcerned about Julian Assange? After all, Assange released the dirt on Hillary and certainly gave a boost to Trump’s chances of the Presidency. Why is he so somehow unconcerned about George Soros? He was instrumental ( and still is ) in the campaign against Trump in 2016. Soros continues with his desire to destroy Trump and all he stands for around the world. Soros is the money behind the campaign that wages battle against Trump every day, yet nothing.

    Why does Trump allow thousands of illegal immigrants to flood across the border (yes, I know that his hands are tied by the left that are there to defeat him ) but why?

    Why has Trump failed to do anything to stop this flood of humanity in to America? Why?

    As a long time and current supporter, I have so many questions in my mind and heart – I need to understand what the hell is going on.


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  1. In 1942, my wife’s Uncle was a metallurgist in Papua New Guinea. At the height of WW2 , he made do and mended in the jungles of one of the hotbeds of the conflict. Unable to serve in the War due to being deaf ( years of working in a goldmine in New Zealand) he served in his own way by doing his bit and carrying on.

    Yesterday, I found a transcript of his recollections of the time in Papua New Guinea during the war and I wanted to share it with you. It is typed as he shared it all those years ago. His time in the War in the jungle of Papua New Guinea.  As a courtesy. I have omitted parts that could identify him or his family.

    Here is his story of walking out of the jungles of PNG in 1942.


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