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 What have you done Winston Peters? What have you done?  The Nazguls are only circling because YOU gave Cindy the Flightplan. 

You bastard.

I just love courageous, eccentric, bold and human Kiwis. I really do. I have enormous admiration for this tiny country at the bottom of the world that dares to be extraordinary and dares to be bold and cheeky in the face of global grandiose.

What a shame the Nation of New Zealand is now governed by a globalist leftist greenie who has no comprehension of the people who came before her.


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  1. Fair cop. I have a major problem with men that trade in the vintage car that has given reliability, good fuel economy and a comfortable ride over many years – only to send it to the junkyard and trade it in for a new model.

It pisses me off. The new model may be a later year and have better upholstery but let’s be honest, it doesn’t feel the same once you have sat in the seat for a few months or years. There is something about the old comfy car that you like to cast your mind back on and reflect with pleasure.

It was a damned good car.

Poor old Barnaby Joyce. He really did screw his career because he traded in his ute and got a sports car. Hardly a good look for a man in the public eye and one from the bush.


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This article was written back on 6 March. It is deserving of an update. 

Since then just a few short months ago, so many things have changed. Australia has returned a less left leaning Government, NZ has endured a Mosque attack that its left wing Government has exploited to full advantage; America has seen the left hatred increase against Trump and UK and Europe are finally waking up to the reality that they are now the refugees in their own countries. 

All over the western world, we are seeing the faces of entire Nations, the history and the future undergo a complete makeover. It is not being done with lipstick, cosmetics or skin treatments at a day spa. It is a surgical transformation. A completely new face.
We are part of a full transformation and if it does not scare you, it should. 

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What is a Friend?

I have an acquaintance – not sure if I can call her a friend – who is currently very depressed. She lives in New Zealand. I would like to call her a friend, though I have never met her.

What makes someone a friend? An acquaintance? Is it the physical meeting with that person or is it a meeting of the minds? How does one differentiate between the two?

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and social media have corrupted the word Friendship and turned it into a meaningless term based on Likes and Followers and upvotes from complete strangers.

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 After the fear and anguish of the anticipation of a Labor victory in the election of Saturday, I slept a relieved sleep that we had been spared the horror of a Socialist takeover of Australia.

But that victory was somehow tarnished by the defeat of some of our most outspoken and important heroes: Tony Abbott, Jim Molan and Fraser Anning.

It was almost a hollow victory. One that gave us the win but also gave us losses that are too important to ignore. Our three most vocal opponents to climate change, immigration, restriction of Australians to be Australians in their own Nation; all gone.

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 Why do the Democrats hate him? Why do leaders of Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and other Nations around the world hate him so much?

Is it hatred or fear?

Why do people from around the world, and within his own Nation hate him so much? After all, he has lowered unemployment to record levels, increased wages, reduced taxes and overseen the American economy booming. American manufacturing is thriving... yet he is not at all popular with some. Why is that?

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 They came for our Churches and now they are coming for our jobs. But who are THEY?

The Enemy Within.

When a person can lose his job for quoting the most popular book ever written; the top selling book in all of history; the book that is the cornerstone of every Christian on this planet… when he can lose his job for quoting the Bible, things are darker and more dangerous than any of us could imagine.

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Democratic Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg while delivering a speech in South Carolina, said America’s past “was never as great as advertised.”

I cannot help but feel that he insulted all the men who fought on the beaches of Normandy or died in the South Pacific fighting for HIS Right to live in the country that he now clearly feels so thoroughly ashamed of. Well, Mr Buttigieg, I think that you should be ashamed.

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 When Benjamin Disraeli said “I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? “ he was on the money.  Leaders do not seek to create a new world of their vision, but to preserve or improve the vision that the people already have and hold dear. Or they may seek to create the vision that the people have.

Either way, it is not THEIR vision; it is the vision of the People.

Trump got this. He understood that his role was not to ask his People to follow him but rather to allow the American People to get on with their lives, make money, make babies and make memories of which they could be proud.

His role? To Follow His People.

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How the hell do we keep Shorten out?

I just did my postal vote for the forthcoming election on May 18th. All posted off and thankful to have it behind me.

It looks like an unrolled roll of toilet paper and probably most of the candidates deserve to be flushed down the toilet anyway. Or, at the rate the MSM are going, there won’t be many left to flush! It is ridiculous and almost a way of ensuring that people will be so bloody frustrated that they will vote above the line and shove some numbers in and get back to the sausage sizzle.

I am not joking. It is over a metre long and the names are a seemingly endless fog of parties, letters and, unless you have done your homework, almost impossible to fill out without resorting to an “ oh bugger it, that’ll do. “

But we have to do it if we want to keep Shorten OUT.

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It is a golden oldie that is ignored too often these days, but well worth highlighting again.

So often, we hear the left crying about ending world hunger and misery. But is it not simply a drop in the ocean and, no matter what we do, it will never be enough? Throwing the doors open to the poor is an insurmountable problem and all that will happen is that we will be overwhelmed as well. The worldwide movement of people is a recipe for disaster. 

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