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Who among us has heard of a man named Edgar Harrell? Until a few days ago, his name meant nothing to me - I had never heard of this extraordinary human being. But I was sent a link to a youtube clip where Edgar told his story of a time back in 1945 when he and his fellow shipmates spent 5 days in shark infested water in the South Pacific. 

Edgar Harrell was a young Marine assigned to the US Navy ship, the USS Indianapolis. After delivering components for the atomic bombs, the ship was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Hundreds of his mates were killed by sharks. Listen to his harrowing experience.

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What a Halloween that was: While we lay safely tucked up in our beds, the Premier of Queensland was zooming across the sky defeating goblins and ghouls from the dreaded world of Covid. Oh sure, it has meant us being locked up with our teddy bears and cuddle rugs, but we could all sleep soundly knowing that our valiant leader was out there protecting us. Keeping us safe. Last night, she carried off the ultimate " trick or treat " - much like her fellow " saviour " from across the ditch, Princess Xindy of New Zealand and our southern neighbour's Comrade Dan..

Because , mark my words, she won this election on the back of FEAR. 

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 Tomorrow will see the fate of Queenslanders determined. Are we in in for 4 years of destruction of our economy, our way of life and our ability to earn a crust? Or will we see a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dismal landscape?
I moved to Queensland in 1978. At that time, I was having a bromance of sorts with the then Premier, Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen. Much as I am these days with President Trump.
Sir Joh was our equivalent to Trump in many respects - he disliked the media; you either loved him or hated him and he was often guilty of not being everyone's cup of tea.
But say what you will, Sir Joh loved Queensland. He loved Queenslanders and our State and,  under his leadership, actually had money in the bank.

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I want to share this with you because it has to be one of the best songs I have heard in a very long time. Laurence Fox, once married to Billie Piper of Dr Who fame, the man who played Hathaway in the series " Lewis " went from hero to zero because he dared to call out the insanity of the politically correct cultists. 

Early in 2020, Laurence Fox rejected the idea of  political correctness and identity politics and spoke in favour of free speech. He was on a panel of the tax payer funded leftie luvvie BBC political show Question Time,  After expressing his Conservative opinion the left-wing activists were like attack dogs and in one moment, he had committed career suicide. His acting career was over. 

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Experienced land and fire managers from eight community groups across Australia have jointly written to the Prime Minister urging the restoration of healthy and safe rural landscapes. The grass-roots organisations represent more than 6,000 members and 14 regional councils. They have called for an end to the ongoing loss of human life and the socioeconomic and environmental destruction caused by extreme bushfires.

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On February 28, the idea of locking down and smashing economies and human rights the world over was unthinkable to most of us but lustily imagined by intellectuals hoping to conduct a new social/political experiment. On that day, New York Times reporter Donald McNeil released a shocking article: To Take On the Coronavirus, Go Medieval on It

He was serious. Most all governments – with few exceptions like Sweden and the Dakotas in the US – did exactly that. The result has been shocking. I’ve previously called it the new totalitarianism

Another way to look at this, however, is that the lockdowns have created a new feudalism. The workers/peasants toil in the field, struggling for their own survival, unable to escape their plight, while privileged lords and ladies live off the labors of others and issue proclamations from the estate on the hill above it all. 

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Say what you like about Clive Palmer but his offer to donate 5 life support machines for Adelaide’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital after a cluster of baby deaths is a pretty fantastic act of decency. And we don't see much of that these days. 

The babies would normally be transferred to Melbourne but with the border restrictions, that did not occur. He has highlighted the need for South Australia to have its own surgical capability for the care of little ones with cardiac health issues. 

Mr Palmer said he felt for the SA parents’ “anguish and suffering” from losing their babies and thought there was something he could do.

So why on earth did the Premier of South Australia say " No " ?

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The death toll is mounting, and I’m not talking about the people who died from (or with) Covid-19. It is the death of our values, our traditions and our freedom.

I read a comment online this morning that really resonated with me:

" When I was in elementary school we had a Bible class. In junior high we had a Bible club that had to meet after school. In high school we were told we could say a silent prayer as long as no one could hear it. I didn't realize what was happening at the time. "  @MichaelTruGrit (twitter)

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The seeking of power, particularly political power is for the purpose of ideology best suited for the masses.   This can take many forms and depending on which group of people pursue their mindset in relation to that ideology they are elected as a team to govern, generally accepted as in the best interest as to people as a whole. If the people become disenchanted then in what we euphemistically term democracy, they are called to vote for another term. In Australia accepted as being a democracy, we have two groups that are generally seen to be diametrically opposed . They are Labor who preach the doctrine of socialism and a Coalition that broadly are Conservative and believe in private enterprise. In between are slinter groups that generally are Independents or are small groups that have morphed from them.

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It’s time to stop worrying so much about Covid and focus on the real existential threat to our way of life. As a former police commander, I know that only radical, sustained action will stop these killers.
The recent savage beheading of a teacher in France, for just doing his job – broadening the minds of children by teaching  the importance of freedom of speech and religion – is a salutary reminder of the threat that lurks within our Western societies.

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We have reached the point where we need to acknowledge that we have a problem, and it is a big one. Diversity and multiculturalism has backfired and it ain't gonna work.

It is a tragedy that I read of the incident in France where a teacher was beheaded because he showed a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed and I felt no surprise, shock or horror. That was the bigger tragedy. It was that I was not shocked, surprised or horrified. Welcome to 2020

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