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I have been thinking a lot about the impact that music has made on my life.  Romanic moments when you danced with your loved one , sat and listened to a song together, been in a crowd when a choir sang a particular song .    The piece of music that the Organist played for your wedding.   Your choice .. your favourite song that meant something to you and your sweetheart.  

Music is the one thing that brings us all together.     The National Anthem.   What is more stirring than   everyone singing that particular song, whether it be yours or from another Country .  All sung with pride and  patriotism  
Music can be sung in a different language but it still gives us the same joy and pleasure as the one we are familiar with. It can be richer. 

Turn the clock back and for, those of us who had piano lessons as young ones, some of us continued ,  some gave it away and just enjoyed another player or singer.   I   played the piano until  I got married and then            couldn't afford a piano , family came along  , money was needed for other things.   One of my sons saved up and with our help bought a guitar .     He ended up with about 3 all different kinds.   Loved playing and singing.
My late husband was a good singer, couldn't read a note of music but could stand at the piano  and keep us all spell bound with his easy voice.    I  always remember the first time I heard him sing was around the piano  , you remember the Sunday evenings when the family gathered after dinner and someone played  and everyone sang.   The first song he ever sang was "Blue Smoke" a lovely Maori song .


The song starts at the 6.50 mark I hope you watch the entire video clip. 

 He bought himself an Accordion and taught himself to play. We spent many wonderful hours listening to him play.   One of our neighbours played the bagpipes and the two of them would laugh and play and he would sing. 


  About 20 years after  our marriage he decided he was going to play the organ and we bought one.   Of course it wasn't that easy and I took it over when he gave up and I went to lessons again .   The joys of renewing that pleasure. 
From that marvellous decision  to acquire a musical instrument came many years of enjoyment.   Different  organs , pianos , keyboards ,  of them all I loved the  Roland  piano and keyboard  the best.   Lovely sounds ,  and a pleasure to play.   Joined mixed classes and renewed my skill.      My husband I entertained  as a volunteers in the  Nursing Homes.  

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Today I still have a digital piano that has  many different sounds and  lovely rhythms.   In these very trying times of the Covid19  it takes your mind off the restrictions , the  lack of your family able to visit ,  it lightens your heart and makes you ready to face another day.   Music , song and laughter  that is what life is all about.    There is a particular song that says it all.   " Enjoy Yourself"   the words start with... Enjoy yourself it is later than you think. 

 Redhead playing her Roland with her husband singing. 
I just listened to a piece of music that made me realise that it is not the quality of the instrument that matters.   It is the joy of the music. It could be a tin whistle or a harmonica or a recorder.    The important thing is the joy it brings.

These children didn't wait for the government to buy them an instrument. They used what they had and showed us that it is not the quality of the instrument but the quality of the person who holds it and plays it.   It is the pride and the joy of feeling that they have achieved something.  
The joy of music is universal.   It can help us through difficult times and can make us laugh, cry and paint pictures in our minds with colour and love  It can bring hope out of despair and laughter from tears.   
We all have to make an effort to look on the bright side.
We need to keep our true and trusted National Anthems, keep our flags, our National Days and hold on to our music and the hope it gives us in our darkest times and in our happiest of times.     
I once saw a programme about The  Really Terrible Orchestra. They were so bad that they formed their own orchestra so that they could celebrate their love of music.  They sound like most school orchestras I have seen and heard when my great grandchildren proudly performed.   We cheered and clapped because we knew the pride the youngsters felt.

People now pay to hear The Really Terrible Orchestra.   Sometimes the music is not what matters.   

It is the Joy of the music.


Let us waltz with Matilda and just have some joy. Because we need  it. 

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