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Verily Chambers, Australia  @Verilychambers

Does it actually matter – No, and here’s why

As I have a professional interest in this topic and have been posting disparate pieces of information for some time, I thought it useful to consolidate some of the key ones for those interested in the evidence I have found that massive financial system restructure is in fact occurring. First a warning. Read around as there is a lot of dis-information spread by those that either do not want the change or want to profit illegally from its implementation.

NESAR Act – Is it a con or is it real? It does not actually matter – No, and here’s why

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Where did we go? What happened to Australia? What happened to the World? So many questions and sadly, the answers are all “ Politically Incorrect “ and lie in the dustbin of Regret and the basket of “ How I wish we had stayed insulated from Elsewhere. “

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In 1965, Paul Harvey, a radio commentator from America, broadcast some very prophetic words. In these troubled times, I place them here for you to read, digest and ponder.

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Guestpost from DT.

I have been watching events unfold with in my mind two key events, the election of President Trump and Brexit.

President Trump has addressed the UN twice that I am aware of and his message to them in short was that the US is fed up with housing and funding them.  The UN has expanded into many organisations that were never intended to become UN activities and that they must downsize and stop interfering in the internal affairs of member nations. President Trump revealed that he had held meetings with UN senior officials about these things.

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When I read this, I was so astonished that I could not believe my eyes. A day that honours such bravery in the face of suffering, difficulty and adversity cancelled in the midst of a time of suffering, difficulty and adversity?

Are we so weak as a Nation that we cancel something because it is too tough to deal with?

Life is not so great now, so we will cancel an honour ceremony for those who faced a far greater threat than we face today? A day that honours those who fought and died for us? A day when young people, really young people, were sacrificed so that we could fight over fucking toilet paper in 2020?

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Any of you oldies out there, will remember The Goon Show, a brilliant British radio show from the 1950’s starring the comedic talents of Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan and Peter Sellars.

One of the characters was a chap called Moriarty who used poor Neddy Seagoon to carry out his dastardly plans by proxy. Moriarty would always start with “ Let me tell you a tale Neddy “ and off he would go, spinning his yarn of fantastical logic.

So, let me tale you a tale Neddy and see how we go. After all, I am not saying this - so don't come kncoking at my door hate Police. Not my fault. It is Neddy and Moriarty what done it. 

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As our world descends under a cloud of Wuhan woes, I have noticed that communications are changing and once simple things to say have become more sensitively voiced. Truly, what is the greater danger today? The lurgy or the lurgy language we use?

We must cloak our words in politically correct language, douse them in soft sugar and drizzle some maple syrup over the words to ensure that we do not come off as being mean, nasty, batophobic or mention the name of a certain country in Asia of a Red persuasion.

Oh no, heaven forbid. It is most unwise to ask a direct question, make a direct statement or voice a personal opinion that might be deemed hate speech.

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15th March marks the anniversary of a very nasty day in New Zealand’s history. It is the Anniversary of an attack, by “ an Australian Right Wing Trump supporter on innocent moslems going about their business worshipping Allah in a mosque in the land of the Kiwi.” Quote not necessarily accurate but you get my drift. My words not Princess Cindys.

Princess Cindy, darling of the left, is a wicked Communist who has fundamentally changed New Zealand – for the worse. New Zealand is now estranged from its bigger brother Australia and in ONE YEAR she has made New Zealand a poster child for experimental Socialism.

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I hate to rabbit on about the toilet paper apocalypse but I have to, on this occasion, highlight something that I feel is so morally and legally dangerous that it must be spoken about.

Unity Water, who controls all of the South East Queensland water supply, responded with a rather peculiar plea : wet wipes are rubbish. Put them in the bin.

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I received this by email this morning. It is worth sharing.

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photo of HMS Manxman

My late father passed in 2015 aged 89. He was a veteran of the Royal Navy and, while in the New Zealand Navy, he spent time in the South Pacific. He was a proud Manxman and a damned fine bloke.

He contracted polio and TB in his war years and never even knew, until years later. I do remember him always having one smaller calf muscle than another and didn’t understand why. It must have been his brush with polio.

But he never complained. Not once. After all, he was a Real man, not a modern soyboy with limited tolerance to Reality. 

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