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On the 19th of February 1942, the isolated northern city of Darwin in Australia was bombed by the Japanese. Back then, it was a small isolated outpost at the top end of Australia and represented the last post of defence of Australia against the Japanese.

It is probably still the last post in Australian Defense.

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Once in a while, a voice you’ve never heard seems to come out of nowhere. The voice punches you in the gut with concision and force. When that happens, you know you’re hearing the voice of a leader. Not a ruler. A leader. And a leader is someone you follow because it’s the right thing to do, not because you are compelled to do so by other voters or fiat appointers. 

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Throughout the Commonwealth, trouble is brewing. Our Governor Generals are merely puppet appointments of the governments and our Queen is too busy putting out the home fires to keep them burning in our nations. 

The Canada and Canberra debacle - even the bees are swarming at the Beehive in New Zealand.

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It’s the season for green-money showers in Australia – the Coral Community just got one billion dollars of green bribes from PM Morrison (this after $141M from PM Turnbull just over 3 years ago). Koalas got $50M from Morrison whilst the Queensland Government bought a huge grazing property to be converted into a national park. And of course the Green Broadcasting Commission got an extra $3.3Billion over 3 years to promote their green agenda.

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“Look what happened last time I took a tablet.”

Those devastating words broke the heart of Trish Jackson, as her 94-year-old mother steadfastly refused to take medication in her nursing home. Now an artist, Jackson from Queensland, Australia is one of 3,000 global survivors of the drug thalidomide.

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What can I say? A flippant email from Redhead resulted in a spike protein of love and caring and ended in hours of fun and laughter. 

All because she missed her " boy ".

Let me tell you the story.

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“Those great times we once had before the "world went mad". I wonder if we'll ever see them again?” 

Oh yes, we’ll see them again, but it will take time, and will involve a degree of ruthless dealing with certain people responsible for the foul miasma of personal misery, economic hardship and irretrievable loss to many people as well as to the country, severe psychological damage to many, adults and children alike, that has enveloped the world and its people like a choking cloud.

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The last holiday I had was before the world went mad. It was to the deep south of New Zealand to places like Queenstown, The Catlins and Bluff. 
The highlight was a day trip to Stewart Island  , right at the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand.  

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The ONLY Australian manufacturer of frozen Australian grown vegetables (Simplot Australia) is not far from closing because a number of the other well-known Australian brands have moved their plants to New Zealand in order to capture the Chinese vegetable market where they market via New Zealand to Australian tables (without the food being labelled specifically as Chinese) and Simplot is finding it hard to compete.

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It's the end of another week Downunder and all we have is, as Shirley Bassey sang so well, " history repeating itself. " 

The jerry can revolt in Canada has spurred people on throughout the world to gather together and unite and say " enough is enough. "

I have friends and acquaintances travelling to Canberra to join the 2022 equivalent of the Eureka Stockade.

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6 February 2022, is the 80th anniversary of the last letter that Sister Kath Neuss, an Australian Army Nurse in Singapore, wrote to her family in Australia. She started the letter by saying
"Guess you will be thinking I’ve gone up in smoke. There is plenty of it about”. 
Only 10 days later Kath Neuss was dead; cruelly executed on Radji Beach, Bangka Island on 16th February 1922..

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