Government policymakers and lawmakers obsessed with “climate change” seem blind to the ugly realities of their own policies. Force-feeding electric vehicles on Americans is a regressive fool’s errand that won’t impact the climate, will necessitate more mining and exploitation of laborers in the developing world, and will put our economic well-being and security at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party.

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Sparrow Force was one of three formations rapidly put together by the Australian Government in March and April of 1941 when concern was rising about the intentions of the Japanese to enter WW2 as a combatant and to form a ring of defenses against any advance on Australia. The three forces were given code names of birds: Gull, Lark and Sparrow. Gull and Sparrow were formed at the request of the Dutch government.

Gull Force was sent to Ambon and was soon overcome. The survivors were then mainly executed.

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On 19th February, 1942 real war came to Australia when two air raids by Japanese carrier based aircraft wrecked the town and the adjacent army and RAAF bases.

The first inkling that anybody in Australia had that something was about to occur was at 9.30am on Bathurst Island, about 80kms NE of Darwin. When the missionaries and islanders saw a huge formation of aircraft at high altitude. The mission was headed by Father John McGrath who also acted as a volunteer coastwatcher.The mission was equipped with a radio transceiver linked to the AWA Darwin Coastal Station under call sign VID. AWA ran many aeradio stations under contract to the Department of Civil Aviation with range all over Australia and as far as Portuguese Timor.

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