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It is well past time we Australians sorted out who we are. Are we an independent sovereign nation, or are we a colony? Who is legally sovereign the Queen of the United Kingdom, or the Queen of Australia, or the Australian people? Are we then legally a member of the United Nations?

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When I was a much younger person than I am today, I learned so much. About the jury system, how to change a tyre on a car, how to check the oil, how to make sure a rabbit was safe to eat; how to cross a road safely and, not only how it was important to learn how to drive a car but know the basics of how the car runs. And I learned that all these things combined to make me a critical thinker. In other words, an adult worthy of taking my place in society. But I needed an expert to tell me. Who that expert was, I genuinely cannot remember. It was just something I " acquired. " 

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Scott Morrison has had another green brainwave – spend a zillion dollars to build Australia’s electric/hydrogen highway. Naturally this Fuelish Policy will be supported and accelerated by the Greens/ALP coalition. They all need to study the history of transport in Australia.

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In his must-read new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes how journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Fauci’s “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002” (p. 245).  He describes in detail how “Fauci’s NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and his Big Pharma partners turned Black and Hispanic foster kids into lab rats, subjecting them to torture and abuse in a grim parade of unsupervised drug and vaccine studies . . .” (p. 246).

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Once upon a time,back in 2018,  I decided to hold a party, and everyone in the neighbourhood was invited. It started off well.... everyone was cheery and polite, laughing and having a good time.  Bring a plate is something Australians understand. It means you do not come empty handed to a party. As the evening wore on, some of the guests started criticising the food and mocking the other guests. 

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Law enforcement escorted an Australian legislator who vocally opposed vaccine mandates and other forms of medical tyranny to a quarantine hotel. South Australia (SA) Senator Alex Antic, who has now been forced to undergo a two-week isolation period, called the move “premeditated.”

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So said John Dryden, These days, so much is said about Civil War and that the second Civil War is coming to America. Civil War is brewing in Australia, New Zealand, countries in Europe - everywhere that has been taken over by the fear of fear. And patience is wearing thin.

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Isn't it strange how the world changes on a sixpence ( as they used to say.) Boat People were supposedly desperate folk escaping the tyranny of despotic rule and now we have a whole new class of boat people: the citizens desperate to get " home. "

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Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.

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Today's article from our nostalgia series is no trifling matter. It is a story of dusting, polishing, fur babies and puddings. And it all began because my daughter bought a new car. 
Confused? Well, all will become clear when you read today's " I remember when... article which also includes living angels, tilers, pink ribbons and nice cups of tea,

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I truly hope that there are enough of us left to fight Mad Vax and become the Mad Max we need so desperately today. 

If we are too small in number, then the Halls of Justice will surely overwhelm us and the Moronic Vax will spread like a plague - not of a flu virus but a virus of societal change and there will be no turning back. This is our last chance to stop the moronic madness that has overtaken the world.

Our Vanishing Point.  

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