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When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a Nurse. I had read a book about a woman who went to Nepal and she was a Mountain Nurse travelling on horse back, yak back or donkey back and she delivered hope, health and help to those poor people in need of her care.
I decided that I wanted to be a Nurse and, like my other heroine, Florence Nightingale, heal people and make them better.

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In the midst of the most terrible time in our history, even worse than Whitlam or WW2, our country is crying out for a Moses to emerge and lead us out of the wilderness. I rate our present plight as worse than WW2 because at least in that era we were all pulling together for the sake of Australia. This cannot be said today. Leading up to Federation we had such a man.

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In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was unleashed on the world from China. The evidence is now growing that the bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan, China was the original source of the virus. If this theory is true, the virus was either accidentally or intentionally released in an unsuspecting world.

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It is with both a light heart and a very sad heart that I have written this article.      The "Thought Police" have entered our minds and invaded our lives   and walking up the steps  to the Mobile Library will be the least of our worries.   Will the free choice of books and what we read become a privilege  and be at the whim of not only the librarian    but the government?

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The marriage vows are on the rocks between Australians and their governments. The passive aggressive tactics have now been made public and the whole world sees the Australian leaders for what they are: petty little bullies who have overplayed their hands and may finally be headed for the divorce courts.

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What legacy does Merkel leave behind for the European Union? It’s one of resentment, border fences, anti-EU parties on the rise, a cultural divide between east and west, and who knows how many would-be jihadists on our streets.

One thing is for certain, Germany will have a new chancellor next week. This is important, not only for Germany, but also for Europe, and, indeed, the world.

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November’s Climate Alarm meeting (COP 26) should be shifted from Glasgow in Scotland to Reykjavík in Iceland.

Twenty-five previous meetings of this very expensive travel club have achieved nothing useful, having wasted millions of dollars while industries are destroyed, CO2 levels continue to grow and global temperatures go nowhere.

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by James Conkey 

I feel compelled to share this event that happened during the tragedy of the death of my brother Derek from his car accident.

What is this life? The hardest times of your lives will never be forgotten. The amazing part is what you see when you are looking back. As you walk through that next door, sometimes you have a moment, that you realize something else was also happening during that horrible time of life. There are things in life that we don't share with everyone. I have shared this with only a few close people since this occurred. (Thank you for listening when you did).

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As Australia journeys into an unknown and uncertain future, it is good to remind ourselves that we are here today because of those who went before us, and we have a sacred obligation to honour their legacy.

So many people from all walks of life have shaped our Aussie way of life, which makes us Australian, unashamedly and without apology. We were born out of true grit, sacrifice and reluctant citizenship in some cases, but our soldiers, our farmers, our women and our poets have celebrated the joy of being Australian.

We are from the land down under, and our poets’ voices still echo in the halls of our history and long may they do so. This is part 2 of our celebration of the people who gave voice to being dinki-di, true blue Aussie. To Hell with those politicians and wimps who dishonour our ancestors.

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There are several different types of vaccines. Each type is designed to teach your immune system how to fight off certain kinds of germs—and the serious diseases they cause. 

However, it seems wrong to include the Covid19 ‘vaccines’ into the rest with a blandly disingenuous ‘safety assurance’ instead of any specific description of the actual method of action 

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A few days ago, we were concerned about what is happening around the world, and, in particular, in Melbourne Australia.

The Premier of Victoria decided to close down all construction sites for two weeks. Needless to say, the tradies were not best pleased.
In fact, they got out their fluoro vests, their boots and they did a Nancy Sinatra and said " OK Boots. Start walking. "

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