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Our enemies are aware most Australians of this generation have never been taught our own history.

Our enemies feel free to conflate the experience of all persons with black skin as “victims of racism”, just as they conflate the experience of all persons with white skins as “perpetrators of racism”, regardless of the truth or accuracy of their ideological agenda.

Their primary purpose of our enemy is not truth, but to create division.

The fact is, during Colonial times there were many practices that we would today consider to be reprehensible and inhumane.

Our Colonial Australians in the 1800's thought so too.

The British convicts who were transported to the Colony of Australia were sentenced to terms of “hard labour” and forced servitude. We know from reliable ship manifests of the fleets that there were approximately 168,000 convicts, most all of them poverty stricken English and Irish convicts.

This practice was stopped by a protest of 9th January 1868 by our Australian Colonialists.

The Australian Colonialists had long considered such inhumane treatment to be reprehensible. The Monarchy attempted to sneak a convict ship into Australia, after a long pause. They chose to sneak it into a sparsely populated Western Australian port.

The Monarchy had been forced to try and sneak these convicts in, due to the public outrage elsewhere in Colonial Australia. To the shock of the Monarchy, the Australian Colonialists protested in forceful numbers and travelled far and wide in horse drawn vehicles and on horseback to do so.

Remember, there were no cars, no bus or railways to Western Australia in 1868!

Australian Colonialists and their chosen Representatives were having none of it.

The fleet was met by the outrage of a large number of protesters. This sent a loud message to the British Empire. It was our Colonial Australians united and protesting who ended the practice of convict importations to Australia.

Take heart Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Canberra. You have the prayers and admiration of all true blue Australians at this time.

You come from a long line of Heroic people.

Part 6 – Divide and Conquer 

After 1868 all convicted criminals who committed crimes in Australia were sentenced, to “hard labour”. That included both Australian Aboriginal; Australian Torres Strait Islander, and Australian Indigenous (born here) and Australian migrants. But this was not part of the “slave trade”, as was rife in most other Countries at that time.

It was inhumane and reprehensible.

It was not however, anything much to do with colour.

In fact, there were far more white prisoners than black prisoners sentenced in Australia to hard labour during Colonial times. This is not to say that there were not gross injustices that is an undeniable fact.

However, it is also an undeniable fact that our enemies in a gross injustice of modern times, have ensured most children today grow up in Australian with an entirely false idea of history.

Our Enemies have not only contorted history of all Australians, they have denigrated the tremendous legacy of both our Australian Aboriginal, TSI’s and Australian Indigenous (born here) Heroes who fought in Wars together as Australian Brothers.

They have robbed our Australian Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander children, of their ancestral Heroes who distinguished themselves defending Australia.

They even sought to paint some of our greatest Heroes from the Wars as “victims” coerced into risking their lives for their “oppressors”.

Our enemies have even slurred and denied the courage and heroic deeds of our Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men, from generations of young Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, who grew up believing that they were powerless victims with no truly heroic role models and heroes known to their race.

Names like, Len Waters, the WW2 Australian Aboriginal Kittyhawk pilot, and over 3,000 other Heroes like Reginald Saunders. Do they even know that in fact almost every Torres Strait Islander man signed up to serve to defend Australia against the Japanese in WW2? Yet these heroic tales of our Greatest Australian Men have never been heard of by most Australian children of the last few generations.

Censorship was never permitted by our Constitution.

Founding Father George Grey of the intent of the Australian Constitution stated on 9th March 1891:

“. . . so that as each generation comes on they shall say, "Blessed be those ancestors of ours who have left us this freedom, so that nothing can take place-no changes in the state of the world-but we possess all powers to define the measures most necessary to bring peace and tranquillity at every epoch it comes on." That is the real duty which we should aim to fulfil; and it is only by allowing the people to speak, and at all times to declare their views and their wishes, and to have them carefully considered, that we can insure peace, tranquillity, and prosperity to each country in each successive epoch of time as it arrives.”

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