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In a twist that no historian -or wildlife documentary - could have foreseen, an Australian tadpole named Taddie made global headlines for attending Donald Trump’s inauguration. But how, you might ask, did a humble tadpole from Longreach end up in Washington, D.C.? The answer lies with Ratty Airways, a band of bushrats, and the ever-resourceful women of the Country Women’s Institute (CWI).

Taddie wasn’t just any tadpole. Born in a laundry tub outside the Big Shed in Longreach , he was a natural-born patriot with a dream of representing Australia on the world stage. When he learned about Trump’s inauguration, Taddie knew this was his chance. “If a reality TV star can make it to the White House, why can’t a tadpole make it to the front row?” he reasoned.

The only problem? Taddie needed transport, and Qantas wasn’t about to start offering tadpole fares. That’s when the bushrats of Longreach stepped in.

In an abandoned shed on the outskirts of Longreach, a team of ingenious bushrats had been working on Australia’s next big innovation: a high-speed, tadpole-friendly transport pod. Led by Bazza the Bushrat (chief engineer and part-time Vegemite taste-tester), the crew had been perfecting their invention for years.

When the CWI got wind of Taddie’s ambitions, they sprang into action. Armed with lamingtons, scones, and the unstoppable power of tea breaks, they convinced Ratty Airways to lend them a biplane for Taddie’s mission.

With Taddie safely tucked into his custom-built transport pod (fitted with a mini Australian flag, of course), the Ratty Airways crew took to the skies. PP “The Legend”, piloting as always, cracked open a celebratory jar of marmalade mid-flight. "We’re making history, mates!" he declared, as Baby Grey the kangaroo -  now a seasoned co-pilot - practiced his landings on the dashboard.

The flight was far from smooth. Somewhere over the Pacific, turbulence knocked over the marmalade jar, leaving PP sticky but undeterred. Meanwhile, Baby Grey distracted himself by chewing on the emergency Vegemite stash.

When they finally landed in Washington, D.C., Taddie emerged from his pod to thunderous applause (or so he might have just been a leaky radiator).

At the inauguration, Taddie was the star attraction. Perched proudly on a lamington carried by Bazza the Bushrat (who had stowed away in the biplane for moral support), Taddie waved his tiny flag as Trump delivered his speech.


Reporters were baffled. “Is that... a tadpole?” one asked. “An Australian tadpole!” Taddie croaked in reply, earning a standing ovation.

Back in Australia, the news of Taddie’s achievement spread like wildfire. The CWI threw a massive tea party in Longreach, complete with lamington towers and Vegemite fountains.  Dame Edna christened the shed as the "Official Bushrat Innovation Hub of Australia."

Even the bushrats made a guest appearance, though they spent most of the time raiding the sausage rolls.

Whether you’re a tadpole with a dream, a bushrat with a knack for engineering, or a kangaroo learning to fly, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with a bit of Aussie grit,,,and maybe a lamington or two.

And remember, when the going gets tough, the tough call Ratty Airways. Because no problem is too big (or too small) for a biplane, a marmalade jar, and a shed full of bushrats.

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