The following passage is a direct quote from a person well-known in world history. It is as equally applicable now as it was when it was first penned.
“The stupidity of democracy. It will always remain as one of democracy’s best jokes that it provided its deadly enemies with the means by which it was destroyed.
The persecuted leaders of XXXX became parliamentary deputies and so acquired the use of parliamentary immunity, allowances and free travel tickets. They were thus protected from police interference, could allow themselves to say more than the ordinary citizen, and apart from that they also had the costs of their activity paid by their enemy. One can make superb capital from the democratic stupidity. The members of the XXXX grasped that right away and took enormous pleasure in it.”
These words are very much applicable to the current invasion and immunity handed out to Islamic refugees from all Islamic dominated countries. The United Nations was intended to be a world forum for the suppression of war and in its formative stages was promoted by democratic countries.
Time and tolerance on the part of the democracies has seen it, and its agencies, become dominated by Islamic extremists from countries where the very antithesis of democracy is practiced.
Judicial authorities are very much aware of the illegal perpetration of rape yet they choose to apply some unauthorised factor of “culture” to excuse the criminals who perpetrate it, set them free to do it again, or in a fit of responsibility sentence them to a meaningless term of imprisonment that is, in fact, free board and lodging.
The judiciary, including magistrates, is made up of people who have rarely lived in the real world, have no knowledge of how humanity works or reacts and have a misguided belief that rehabilitation will cure their ills.
Rehabilitation is a process that is useful only in cases of physical medical treatment such as mending of broken bones or recovery from a serious operation. It will never cure bad habits or bad breeding. The facts are patently obvious from the high proportion of convicted people who are recidivists.
From my own experience of spending 22 months in gaol and thus mixing with these people I can state without fear of contradiction or qualification that none of them are capable of rehabilitation. Convicted armed robbers spend their time in prison keeping fit, and these blokes, believe me, are tremendously fit, to keep themselves in prime condition ready for the next job when they are released.
A similar mindset afflicts those who are responsible for upholding our constitution. It is called the Parliament but it is little more than an expanded committee where they all condone each other knowing that they have all breached the trust endowed to them by the electorate. The most obvious one is the failure of the responsible authorities to bring to account breaches of S.44 of the constitution requiring members to comply with allegiance exclusively to the nation.
Nothing is done by the opposition through fear that some of its members might be caught out or by the Federal Police who are beholden to the Attorney General.
The “system” provides for a solution in the post of Governor General but again, democracy fails to release this tool when needed. The ultimate solution of course is the monarch exercising prerogative to dismiss offending governments but apart from one brave GG in 1976, all others, including the monarch, have been missing in action. With our current GG one of the mob now in power and dependent in its continuing support no relief from that quarter is likely or possible. The same can be said for the reigning monarch who, supposedly, is Defender of the Faith yet never lifts a finger or word of protest in the face of the Islamic takeover of British society and offending the Christian religion.
Here in Australia we are a mirror image of what happens in Britain and for very many years, we were proud of it. I think that increasingly large numbers of the white Caucasian population prefer to detach themselves from their British roots.
We forever rely on our democratic system, hoping that somehow things will improve but in the latent knowledge that they won’t. The need for self-preservation is common to both major parties whose only solution is to pass more laws rather than follow those that exist to the limits that they initially intended.
The intent of laws against murder and rape are clear enough for the most illiterate person to comprehend. They should be even more obvious to the judiciary whose training and ethic is theoretically intended to administer the law as it is written and without fear or favour. They fail on both counts and thereby represent the weakest link in the chain of responsibilities presumed by the democratic system.
The intent of the law is that the judiciary determine guilt or innocence then administer proscribed punishment. Rehabilitation is not their role.
If you are now wondering who the author of the opening statement is, let me tell you. It was Dr. Joseph Goebbels, made in 1933 soon after the Nazi Party won control of Germany.
The XXXX in his statement refers to the NSDAP, a conservative leaning group of parties that once had majority support but lost it through its failure to address the uncontrolled violence perpetrated by the Nazis via their Brown Shirts and the SS.
Apart from their well known persecution of the Jewish people the Nazis also abolished trade unions, an act that Australia could well try to replicate. The trade unions are the de facto governing body of our country. The Labour party is no more than the political arm of the trade unions and even with a conservative government in power, the members have no stomach to take them on.
It is said that it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good and if there is anything to be learned from the tactics of the Nazis it is the abolishing of the trade unions. The unions did not cease to exist in Germany; they simply had no power at all. Freedom of association is one of the hallmarks of democracy but union membership is not free; it is compulsory yet no government, Labour or Liberal has ever seriously tried to apply the law which guarantees freedom from compulsory union membership.
If one thinks that the current action against the CFMEU is a step in that direction then you delude yourself. The personnel chosen for the administration are carefully selected so that the union will emerge again in 5 years’ time just like it did when it was called the Builders Labourers Federation.
People talk about a revolution. That is just what it is: talk and talk is cheap. Nothing will be done. We will not see a conservative government in control of both houses in my lifetime so nothing will change. It might seem to but in the end it won’t. History keeps repeating itself.