Can you help keep Patriotrealm on line?




Aren't we all in a bit of a bind? 

We are in a world of uncertainty. Pain and confusion. We no longer know what is up, what is down and what is reality or what is an illusion.

We are stuck in the middle of so much fear and all we can do is stay quiet and try to be as small as we can possibly be.

After recent events in America and elsewhere, why would we not fear that things are very wrong?

We citizens are stuck in the middle of a global fight and, this time, there are no clowns to the left and jokers to the right.... we have rats everywhere and yes, I am stuck in the middle. Like you. 

All over the western world, the United Nations is forcing countries to accept foreigners who claim to be refugees but are nothing more than economic country shoppers looking for a good deal.

We have terrorist attacks in America. All to make sure that the new President cannot walk down the aisle without the rats doing what they do best. 

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of it. I am sick of being in the middle of a fight between those who hate us and those who hate us more. 

The Alphabet Agencies - the UN, The WHO, the CIA, the FBI,  ASIO, the WEF, you name it. 

Meanwhile, a newly elected President is being targeted by the enemies within and all to make sure that the  Agenda moves on. The point of this article is not to highlight what is wrong. 

That is not our battle to fight. But what is being lost? How that one man can change the world is nothing short of extraordinary. But that is a fact. One man can change the world.  If he can get to his destination.... 

I am sick and tired of woke idiots telling me what to do, what to eat, what to drive and what to think.  And I am sick and tired of politicians telling me what to say and think because they want to keep their job and the gravy train steaming ahead. 

I am sick and tired of seeing my country damaged and drained of money and our cultural identity destroyed because our so called Leaders are too weak to just say “ No. “

What is wrong with them? Why are they allowing and almost encouraging the theft of our heritage and hard fought Sense of Self?

Our education system has been turned into a ministry of propaganda that no longer educates but indoctrinates, effectively turning out sheeple who are so dumbed down they can't think for themselves but go along with everything they are force-fed in the indoctrination centres passing for what used to be schools and universities.

I am sick and tired of being divided by the great divide of race, gender, politics, vaccination status and whether or not you believe in climate change. 

One of the big issues today is now about what we eat, and whether or not we can afford to eat it. We are divided into meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans. 

We are divided into those that can afford to heat their homes or cannot.

Those that want to drive an electric car or are happy to drive the family petrol or diesel powered vehicle. This entire great divide over minority rights and the demonisation of anything white. 

Now, we are being divided geographically. 

It annoys me that the City folk embrace this cultural theft and the people in the Country still try to hold steadfastly to the old traditions and values. We are becoming Nations divided and our Governments have endorsed and encouraged this Great Divide.

In Australia, there is a mountain range called the Great Divide. It stretches over 3500 km from North to South. It separates the coast from the rural areas that spread to the west and is the home of the people who work to feed the people on the eastern side.

The mountain range is aptly named: it is a geographical boundary and a cultural one.

I spent 10 years living on the western side. Many more on the eastern side. My heart lies in both. My empathy, however, lies in the west.

Where water is scarce and lives are lived in a precarious balance of good rain and no rain. Too much rain and drought. Life is always in the balance.


When people who live in the cities love to visit the country and people who live in the country and love to visit the cities, we see a crossing over of the Great Divide – yet both groups scurry back happily to their home burrows and are thankful that they do not live where the other does.

I find it strange, however, that apart from shopping, restaurants, bars, cafes and theme parks, the city does not offer its residents a great deal.

Without money, living in a city is impossibly difficult – bordering on diabolical.

The city requires distractions that the residents believe are necessities in life. They tend to forget that, without those who live on the other side of the Great Divide, there would be no food to serve in their swanky restaurants. No milk for their latte and no flour to make their pasta.


The city people who hold so much sway in political terms and boldly dictate that dams are damned; coal is old and farming is alarming, have forgotten that, without the sloggers on the other side of the Divide, they would not enjoy the lifestyles that they currently enjoy.


Why can they not see that without coal, dams, farming and the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice that their brethren on the other side make every day – they would not have a city to live in?



Leave the bushies and farmers to do what they do best: work. From dawn until sunset. 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. No paid holidays, no double time and no maternity leave. Just leave them alone and let them have their dams, the control of their own land, their water, their livestock, their livelihoods and their that the woke can live in their concrete jungles and take selfies and eat the produce that they cannot do without.

Meanwhile, our politicians and media herald the oncoming wave of terror because it is all about tolerance of diversity.

And you tell me that this is not about walking the line? 

We love our countries.  We will walk the line. Because you are mine. We have walked it. Every bloody inch and every heartfelt agonising moment. 

We walked that line.  In Canada. Australia, New Zealand, America..., all over the world. Yes, We walked that line.  Because my country is mine.  And I will be damned if some Arab decides to cross the line and tell me that my country is his. 

I will walk the line. 




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