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In a universe where we’ve long pondered the answer to life, the universe, and everything, what if the solution wasn’t the well-known 42 but its lesser, shadowed counterpart ....  41? Curiosity may kill the cat but my word, don't we need it? Just a little bit of " I wonder... " 

I will leave the cats for another day. But so many of us know the story of 42 and how that number apparently was the solution to all of our problems. 

We have the UN and the WHO and MSM all trying to sell us 42. The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.  Rip down bushland, destroy habitats, kill koalas .. all to achieve  42. 

Yes, Douglas Adams had a few mice announce that the Answer to Life the universe and everything was 42.  But what if the mice were wrong? 

One digit away, yet a world apart in meaning.

The idea of 41 really forces us to confront the unsettling truth that we live in a world of "almosts", where resolution is forever just out of reach.

In this horrible modern world lies a real dilemma: a life defined not by completion but by continuous striving, imperfection, and the tension between what we seek and what we find. I don't find that bad. 

In fact, the philosophy of 41 asks us to reconsider our expectations of a "  Final Solution " ( heaven forbid )   and instead learn to live with the ongoing, ever-evolving nature of existence itself.


For decades, we have looked to the number 42—Douglas Adams' weird solution to the question of life, the universe, and everything—as a symbol of both clarity and mystery. But what if, in reality, we’ve missed the mark by one? What if the true answer is not 42, but 41? This slight shift in numbers opens up incredible implications, shedding light on the human condition in the modern world and the challenges we face. Maybe something we need to talk about a little bit more. 

In a universe where 41 is the ultimate answer, we are faced with a reality that is perpetually just out of reach. Unlike 42, which represents the notion of a complete and resolved answer, 41 symbolises the incomplete—a world where we are on the verge of understanding, but never fully arrive at a conclusion. This “almost” state mirrors the experience of modern life: constant striving, but never quite achieving. 

We live in a time of endless potential. Technology promises us greater connectivity, knowledge, and power than ever before, yet many of us feel more disconnected, more uncertain, and more overwhelmed. This arises from the fact that we are always on the edge of fulfillment but never quite attain it. The world of 41 is one in which solutions are always within sight but not within grasp....  and things inevitably go bugger  up. 

Isn't this what governments have been doing for years? Everything is always another election cycle away from 42.  After all, perfection is easier to sell as a concept of what is going to happen instead of what is happening. Yes, it is always one election cycle away. 

The significance of 41 lies in its suggestion of imperfection. If the answer to the meaning of life is not a neat, round number like 42, but an odd, unbalanced number like 41, then perhaps life itself is imperfect. If you think about it, 41 represents the human struggle: we strive for certainty, perfection, and finality, yet we are continually met with obstacles, mistakes, and confusion. Isn't that just LIFE? 

We are flooded with information but struggle to find wisdom. We have unprecedented access to resources but face political and MSM rubbish. We are increasingly aware of our global interconnectedness, yet more divided in our ideologies and politics than ever before. The problem of 41 is the problem of our times—an ongoing sense that we are “close” to solving our greatest issues but never quite there.

Another profound implication of 41 is the sense of anxiety that comes from being “almost done.” When the answer is 41, we are stuck in space, hovering between knowing and not knowing. This creates a constant state of tension and unease, reflecting the reality of modern life .... of being caught between progress and uncertainty. Never really sure what we are doing or who is in charge. 

In a world governed by 41, there is no finality—only continuous questioning and striving. The absence of a real answer leads us to an essential philosophical question: Can we live without certainty? If we accept that life is governed by 41... perpetually incomplete, imperfect, and unresolved—then perhaps we must learn to embrace this as reality. I don't have a problem with that. 

The modern approach of  Fairy tale endings. Utopia.... yes, fairy tales.  

Instead, the philosophy of 41 invites us to just be human..... we are asked to find meaning not in the completion of our quests but in the journey itself. In this way, 41 is, in my opinion, a far more interesting and exciting goal that this contrived left wing illusion of nirvana. 

In a world where 41 is the answer, we are confronted with the realisation that meaning may never be fully attained. The certainty we seek—whether through philosophical, scientific, or spiritual means—may always elude us. 

But perhaps there is also liberation in this recognition. If we accept that 41 is the answer—that life is inherently unfinished and unresolved—then we can free ourselves from the pressure of needing to find a final, perfect solution to our problems. We can instead focus on living. 

Ultimately, the philosophy of 41 challenges us to rethink our approach to meaning, knowledge, and progress. Rather than seeing the “almost answer” as a failure, we might come to understand it as an opportunity. In a world governed by 41, we are surely invited to live with curiosity, to continuously seek understanding without expecting total mastery. We can approach life with humility, acknowledging that some questions may never be fully answered—and that this is okay.

In a sense, 41 is not a problem to be solved, but a perspective to be embraced. It represents a world in which growth and discovery are ongoing processes, where meaning is found not in completion but in the act of striving itself.

As Sir Les Patterson used to say... are you with me?

If 41 were truly the answer to life, the universe, and everything, it would signify that our greatest challenge today is learning to live with the unfinished. It reflects a world that is always in flux, where certainty is elusive and perfection unattainable. But it also offers a profound insight: meaning is not something we find once and for all, but something we create continuously through our actions, our relationships, and our pursuit of understanding.

In this sense, 41 is not a problem—it is a path forward. It calls on us to embrace the complexity of life, to accept our limitations, and to find beauty in the imperfect journey of existence. In fact, if we had perpetual solutions, wouldn't that make for a dull and almost worthless life? 

I LIKE 41. Somehow, it sounds more fun than 42. What do you think? 




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