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If Monkeypox is the new COVID and the WHO release their lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations, where will we be as a society? All on board or, as Bush Barbie would say, Nah,Yeah, Nah.  It is just another round of sabotage from the left. 

About another round of isolation, lockdown and postal voting.  More blackmail and strong arm attempts to break us. From our governments across the world.

Last time many trusted them.

Today ? Not a show in hell. Hell, I no longer trust anyone apart from the few who no doubt feel the same way as I do. 

Unless you are a brain dead multi vaxxed  card carrying member of the " next vax I will get a free tofu burger" you are not likely to fall for the vax hoax a second time.  We are over it. As a clean skin,  I tend to venture into that land of reality. I treat many things with great circumspection. 

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But they - the left - do love a good epidemic to get things rolling. Any kind of health epidemic is good for business. Lock people up and isolate them.  Separate them from their families.  Make people frightened of each other. 

Therefore, it seems right to start with leprosy. Let's face it, for thousands of years, a diagnosis of leprosy meant a life sentence of social isolation. People afflicted with the condition now known as Hansen’s disease were typically taken from their families, treated with prejudice and cruelly exiled into a lifetime of quarantine.

The poor buggers were up against it because some Doctor decided he she or they had a contagious disease.   

In America, patients were sent to separate settlements but were deprived of fundamental civil liberties: to work, to move freely and see loved ones, to vote, to raise families of their own. Some who bore children had their babies forcibly removed.



One such colony was written about so eloquently by James Mitchener in his fine book " Hawaii. " I remember reading it back in my youth. It is still a top read and well worth the look. 


An elevated view of the leprosy colony in Kalaupapa, circa 1920. The National Library of Medicine

But back to Australia.

In Australia, people were exiled to quarantine facilities. Many " patients " died there. 

Leprosy entered Australia in the 1800's when the gold rushes saw waves of new migrants arrive, hoping to make it rich. By the end of the 19th century, sufferers of leprosy were sent to quarantine centres throughout the continent and removed from mainstream society.

Many were in rather pleasant places, but if you are not allowed to leave, it matters not how many palm trees there are or how nice the weather is. It is still a prison if you are not free to leave.

So let me tell you about Phyllis Ebbage.  From Queensland. 

She never got to say goodbye to her daughters. She thought she would be gone for two days.

Without ever receiving a clear diagnosis of leprosy, she was forced to spend 12 years on Peel Island — a leper colony off the south-east Queensland coast.

Leprosy, the feared and then-untreatable disease, arrived in Australia in the 1800s, causing panic among the population and prompting the government to pass the Leprosy Act 1892.


The family gathered at her home and spoke in hushed tones. She was not privy to the conversation about her fate.

“I noticed when I got back home, Mum and Dad were there and nobody was talking to me,” Phyllis recalls.

“They were talking around the sides. They wouldn’t tell me…” she trails off.

“Albert came up to see me... I’m sitting on the verandah stairs. He’s crying and I’m crying.

“I said ‘You know Albert, I think there’s something seriously wrong with me.’

“But they were making arrangements for me to go in a plane from Townsville.

“The day I left, I didn’t say goodbye to the girls.

“I thought I’d be back in a day or two. And I was going to take them to school.

“That night, on a Sunday night, dear granddad Ebbage comes, and there were relations all around the room.

“And the next thing, granddad said: ‘You got it.'

“'No', I said - 'No! No! No!'

“I couldn’t say no more.”

Phyllis was flown to Brisbane and taken on the 11-kilometre boat journey to Peel Island, which sits off the coast of Cleveland. The journey took more than four hours.

“I could see buildings but I didn’t know what they were for,” she says.

“And then they showed me where to go to my hut.

“It was a terrible place.

“It was so primitive. Oh god, there was nothing. And it was only fortnightly visits.''

Many of the men and women transported to Peel Island never saw their families again because the leprosy sufferers were disowned out of shame. Some patients died on the island.

“I didn’t have the right treatment then. I tried a lot of treatments there, nearly killed me,'' she says.

“Penicillin — I had three lots of it and nearly died.

“One night, I was going down to get another lot of it. I nearly collapsed on the way. So I wouldn’t take it no more. I had taken too much.”

The legislation allowed authorities to remove anyone who was suspected of or diagnosed with leprosy, including taking children from school without their parents’ knowledge or permission

 Phyllis Ebbage reunited with her daughters Verree and Desley. Photo: State Library of Queensland

After a cure was found and it was realised that most of the population had a natural immunity to it, other countries began to abolish compulsory isolation policies.

Yet here we are all these years later, history is repeating. 

Remember this? 


As I said in my introduction, if Monkeypox is the new COVID and the WHO release their lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations, where will we be as a society? 


People like me do did not want to be " vaccinated " .... yet, like Phyllis Ebbage, we were treated as lepers during Covid. As social outcasts. I do not want that to ever happen again. 

There is something terribly wrong in the modern Western world. 

We endured month after month, under the guise of public health and safety, becoming fractured and divided. Former friends were shunned because they refused to be vaccinated with an untrialed, potentially unsafe injection...






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