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If we do not have the support of friends, or mates as we call them here in Australia, we cannot survive.  It is a simple fact of life. 

We read things like ' No man is an island " and know that this simple statement is a statement of fact. 

Without our mates, or buddies as they are called in America, it is hard to survive the bad times. 

It must be difficult for kids today. No mates, no buddies, no chums ( for the Brits ) and all you have is social media and a peer group that encourages you to cut your balls off, cut your breasts off and, suddenly, you will be a hero. 

It must be tough to grow up today, in this world where bearded women are normal and men can beat the snot out of a woman at the Olympics and that is heralded by society as the way of the future. 

I read a very interesting comment on our blog this morning about a woman named Margaret Mead. 

" Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones. 
But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.
A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Mead said."
We are at our best when we serve others. Be civilized."

And so I decided to look further into this woman and her work and was surprised at what I learnt.

Margaret was an influential American cultural anthropologist, best known for her studies of indigenous cultures in the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. Born on 16th December, 1901, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and passing away on 15th November, 1978, Mead's work had a significant impact on the fields of anthropology and sociology, as well as on public perceptions of culture and gender.

This, of course, fascinated me, given the current preoccupation with such issues. Mead's most famous work, Coming of Age in Samoa (1928), was based on her fieldwork among adolescent girls in Samoa. She argued that the experience of adolescence was shaped by cultural factors rather than being biologically determined. 

Her conclusions suggested that the stress and turmoil often associated with adolescence in Western societies were not universal but rather the result of specific cultural practices. In Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies (1935), Mead studied gender roles in three different societies in New Guinea. Her findings challenged the notion that gender roles were biologically determined, showing that these roles could vary widely across cultures. In other words, subject to public interference. 

Now, the most important thing to note here is that she talks of gender roles, not gender. 

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Mead was a strong advocate for cultural relativism, the idea that one should understand and evaluate cultures based on their own norms and values rather than through the lens of another culture. 

Which brings me to the point of this post: are we allowing society to interfere with nature? Oh, I know that this will get the lefties and the conservatives at odds but I simply ask this. 

" Are  We, as modern societies, creating gender dysphoria and gender confusion because our societies are so encouraging of that very thing? " 

Is it possible that modern society actually creates the very situation that Mead encountered in her studies all those years ago? 

That, if children are permitted to grow up as children and social and cultural opinions got out of the way............ that they could actually grow up to be, well, as nature intended? 

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It certainly is something to think about, surely?  After all, children are vulnerable and dependent, so society often takes on the responsibility to ensure their well-being. This includes protecting children from abuse, neglect, and harmful environments. Many argue that parents have the primary right and responsibility to raise their children according to their values, beliefs, and cultural practices. Excessive societal or state interference can be seen as an overreach of government power.

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We need to recognise both the rights of parents to raise their children and the responsibility of society to protect children’s welfare.

I end with this. Society is meddling with children's natural growth and development. Governments are encouraging the cultural shift that sees our young indoctrinated and brainwashed according to the current culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. 

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The rearing of the next generation is being controlled by politics and cultural trends, promoted by those who seek to destroy what so many of us hold dear. 

The freedom to say no to the foolhardiness of wokeness. 

Our energy grid is being destroyed. OUR culture is being destroyed. OUR children are being conditioned to accept what we find unacceptable. 

When I was a teenager, it was trendy to wear Beatle boots, bell bottom jeans and listen to Bob Dylan. 

Today? It is trendy to be homosexual, transgender and, instead of throwing away our bras, our girls are being encouraged to cut their breasts off and our boys to become eunuchs all with a little help from Big Pharma and the governments of course. 

Like the bell bottoms, witches britches, Beatle boots and hippies, fads and trends come and go. 

This fad of tattoos, body mutilation, abortion and self hatred will pass. 

The difference is that I have fond memories of my youth. Today, these poor kids are going to grow up and find that they will wear the scars of the folly of youth for the rest of their lives. 

All because they followed a cultural trend. 

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Is this just about kids wanting the return of the family unit? Stability? How many kids go to school without breakfast? 

Is this about kids wanting to get attention that they desperately crave... and deserve? 

What have we done as a society and culture to turn our new generation into victims of the cultural revolution?  

As Margaret Mead said " Never depend upon institutions or government to solve the problem. "

Yes. In fact, they create most of the problems.


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