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We the people, all around the world, just witnessed one of the most morally bankrupt and depraved displays of woke exhibitionism that it is possible to have endured. What were the organisers of the Games thinking?  Our young children and grandchildren sat wide eyed watching images of mockery and ridicule beamed across the planet. Men mocking women, people mocking the Christian faith and laughing at our love of normality. 

What a disgraceful insulting and horrific way to " celebrate " the so called leading sports event in four years. No wonder the organisers are frantically removing videos of this appalling orgy of debased exhibitionism. They dishonoured the Church, the women and men and the children. In fact, they celebrated the downfall of humanity. 

Is this what we have come to? Satanic rituals beamed  across the world? 

I have to ask the question: What comes next? 


It was like watching a very poor remake of the Rocky Horror Show. Because this was EVIL. 

I can't help but wonder what happens IF we are conquered by minorities and wokeism....the Grinch has truly stolen Christmas and, just like the death of the Eurovision Song Contest to wokeism, the Olympics fell this weekend. 

 bambie thug

Yes, it is happening, right in front of us. Remember this?  

Bambie is a self-proclaimed "Witch" who performed a "satanic ritual" on stage at Eurovision.

But what will happen next? 

Imagine a Nation with Islam, China, lefties, greens, feminists and gays and trans all fighting for control.

Islam wants to throw everyone off buildings. Feminists will be wrapped in burkas and raped. 

China will send islamists to camps, lefties and greenies will see coal gone and pollution rampant through wind " farms " and solar "farms. " .

White heterosexuals will be working to support everything while they fight it out.

Great future to look forward to, isn't it?  Let us be honest: none of the conflicting minorities can triumph. Only restoration to normality can conserve our heritage. To conserve.... Conservatives.

God help us and President Trump because we need people like him badly right now. Many of you will have noticed that I updated our lead image on the blog. Why? Because we are in a terrible place right now. We have the solution. Yes, we do. It is called our vote. However, voting these days is a bit dodgy. A bit iffy. These pesky things called voting machines seem to have a mind of their own. Our electoral rolls are printed in China, or so I am told. 

But no matter: the problem is that our countries are no longer OUR countries. 


There. I have said it. Our votes are meaningless if they are " counted " elsewhere. Our voices are not heard when they are censored everywhere. Hell, we can shout and yell as much as we like but if no one hears us - then - what is the point in our scream except to say we " got it off our chest. " 

Take these so called  Olympic Games as a classic example. Shanghaied by woke politics and no longer a competition between amateur athletes... merely a demonstration of who has more money to pump into a human body and get away with it. 


When I was a kid, we had no idea what gay was, unless it meant happy or was our best friend's sister's name. A feminist was someone called Emmeline Pankhurst who went to prison for demanding the right to vote. 

Farms were places where people practiced animal husbandry... you know, that thing where people gave a shit about the animals in their care, not to be subjected to abuse by perverted monsters who use them for deviant ends. 

Being white was seen as a bit of a bugger in a country like Australia where our skin is not that flash when it comes to skin cancer and being heterosexual wasn't even a topic of conversation.  It was what we call NORMAL. 

What is it to be conservative these days? Well, I suppose it depends upon whether or not you are in politics. 

If you are a politician it means whatever the polls tell you it is.  Or what your donors tell you. 

For voters?  It means something really simple. 

A belief that a man is a man, a woman is a woman and that a vote is a vote.  A child is a child and a lie is a lie. 

No fake news. No photoshop. No AI. Just pure, unadulterated TRUTH. 

An athlete is a man or woman fueled by passion and love and a desire to reach full potential.

How hard is that to understand? 

So can we please tell it as it is? 

So called Gays for Palestine will perish under Islam. Greenies will perish from cold because there will be no power or avocado on toast. Meanwhile, we, the hated white heterosexual bad guys and gals will be working our guts out to keep the country functioning while our politicians tell us that we need to apologise for existing. 

I am all for boycotting the Olympic Games.  Now and forever. This spectacle of horror is, as others have said, the death knell for what was once a celebration of physical excellence, not mental illness. 

While our governments and private enterprise push Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we normal people will be slaves to weird woke and wicked wankers who seek to Destroy us, make us inferior and exclude us. 

The Olympics showed us the naked truth: it really is all about wrestling and running and hoping like hell you can out run them, out fight them and avoid the medal they want to give you. Because I sure as hell don't want the prize they are threatening to give me if they win........................

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 Rev 6:8 "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."


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