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Some time ago, I saw a photo of a little red wren and I smiled. That pretty, delicate little creature was hopping about doing what it does best and that little bird seemed blissfully unaware of what our world seems to think it is confronting. It was so nice to smile again. 

I see images of cats and dogs, romping, sleeping, enjoying the sunshine and the joy of life and that magnificent wonder of being alive.

How the hell have we humans got it so wrong?

Here is the image that struck me. It was posted here on this blog. Posted by someone who sadly no longer visits us, but delighted us with his images when he did. 

Look at that little bird and consider that it is just doing what it wants to do and needs to do and gets on with things like eating, drinking and chirping. 

Such simplistic things in the scheme of life. When I wake up in the morning, I may be fortunate enough to see a bush turkey rummaging around and checking out what grubs might be on the breakfast menu.

Or a lorrikeet cruising in for the early morning brekkie buffet of nectar from the collistemons that thrive outside my small apartment. I may hear the murder of crows that wake me up at dawn. 


If I am fortunate, I may share a broken sleep with a gecko that has decided to pop in and race around my walls all bloody night and wake me up with its constant squeaking.

While we humans preoccupy ourselves with the horror that is of our own creation, I marvel that nature manages to carry on doing what it does best: get on with the joy of living.

These days, we worry so much about everything. 

We worry about the cost of living, the political upheaval and the injustices of human making. 

Meanwhile, Mother Nature ticks along and manages to do quite nicely. 

Oh, yes, she has the odd temper tantrum. Such as has happened in New Zealand in recent days. A cyclone, an earthquake and torrential downpours that have made life very unpleasant for many Kiwis. 

Meanwhile, dolphins dive, whales migrate, birds sing and geckos squeak and dogs and cats sleep and eat while we panic over the end of life because someone told us to be afraid of a thing called covid or climate change. 

That image of that lovely bird brought me down to earth with a thud.

The animal kingdom is moving on with life, as it has always been ordained and the only species that is worried is us.


Why? Because we are superior and our brains are better, more illustrious and superior?

Or is it because the animal kingdom knows, accepts and recognises that life goes on no matter what and a political or man-made catastrophe is just that : man-made.

While we are collapsing in a state of economic and cultural decline; trying to manipulate our species with sexual dysphoria and fear of pretty much EVERYTHING, the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and the cats and the dogs are all just getting on with life.

Maybe we need to just look to nature and accept that life goes on and death is inevitable. 

But, in the meantime, we can cruise in, drink some nectar, have a snooze and play with a ball and enjoy life. 

No matter what. Death gets you in the end. 

We may as well enjoy life and be like that precious little bird and rejoice in the dawn and the sunset and be thankful for a day well lived. 

By the way, Birds and bees don't have politicians. 

And that is it in a nutshell folks. 

Another thing Nature doesn't have is money. 

I was speaking with a fantastic woman this morning about a subject many of us older ( and increasingly younger ) people think of a lot these days. Death. A subject that most of us find unpleasant to broach. 

She ( wisely ) said that Death and Money have become so closely related these days that they are entwined. 

Yet we seem so preoccupied by death that we forget to live. 

Now, cats, dogs, birds, bees and dolphins don't have a dollar based currency.

Their currency is Life. 

Life is what has value. Sustaining it, enjoying it and getting on with it. 

I can think of no other species on earth that has placed the dollar above the value of life.

In the animal kingdom, from birth until death, everything is focused on getting the most out of sustaining and prolonging life. 

Even the humble butterfly that lives for a day or so will spend its time fluttering about, looking pretty and gathering pollen and ensuring that there is something left for the next butterfly to flutter by. The cocoon they carefully construct is treated with due respect, yet we treat our cocoons with the contempt of life called abortion. 

The Crow, that so many treat with such disdain, is the master at recycling. Roadkill is seen as an opportunity to sustain life, not as a reason to mourn its loss.

Yet here we are, as a species, where we sell our unborn for " body parts. " 

To the disciples of Climate Change and Vaccinations for all; the Woke Warriors for Racial Equality, I have a message for you. 

You have been sold a LIE.

Your righteous indignation and crocodile tears have NOTHING to do with Nature.


Because Nature cares nought about money.

It only cares about Life. 

If only humans would do the same. 



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