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We keep warning the world about these evils and the catastrophes they’re unleashing on our society, and then we get branded “conspiracy theorists”.

And then when our predictions inevitably come true, the same people who branded us kooks and conspiracy theorists then proclaim “Sure, these bad things happened, but they’re just coincidental and having nothing to do with what you warned us about! 

It’s like those stories of a time traveler who warns of impending disaster and everyone just brushes him aside and calls him a crazy person.

And then he inevitably turns out to be right.

We’ve been right about virtually everything:


  • Russian collusion was a hoax.

  • Joe Biden has dementia, not a “childhood stutter”.

  • The Ukraine call and ensuing impeachment were just a way for Democrats to cover for Biden’s own corruption by redirecting blame towards Trump.

  • Brett Kavanaugh was a genuinely decent man, and Christine Blasey Ford and Michael Avenatti were filthy liars who were coached by Democrats to manufacture a fake story for political purposes.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse was an honest, decent kid who was just defending himself from murderers and pedophiles.

  • BLM is a Marxist organization that doesn’t actually give a shit about black people, and uses terror tactics to enrich itself and buy its founder's mansions.

  • Covid was created in a lab in China, with funding from the EcoHealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci. It did not come from a wet market.

  • The vax risk of myocarditis is real, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are effective treatments for many people, Covid is virtually harmless to kids, and outdoor transmission is almost nonexistent.

  • Masks, lockdowns, and vax passports are useless and they are nothing more than a means to get the general public acclimated to The Great Reset in which the globalists at the World Economic Forum are crafting an authoritarian new world order in which the centuries old Westphalian system of nation states is being replaced by an elite cabal of global elites that rule over us all.

  • The ‘climate catastrophe’ is another hoax that is attempting to do the same thing. Like Covid, it’s an attempt to take a real scientific phenomenon, exaggerate the living hell out of it, run around screaming about the end of the world like Chicken Little, and use this mass hysteria in order to bring about The Great Reset.

  • The January 6th ‘insurrection’ was a hoax. No guns were brought, the fire extinguisher story was a lie, Trump explicitly called for peace, AOC’s office was not attacked, FBI agents were embedded in the crowd (including Ray Epps), Antifa was present and breaking windows, and the only person killed in the entire ordeal was a Trump supporter - an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbitt.

  • The Whitmer kidnapping plot was a hoax.

  • The 2020 election was stolen. The combination of mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, lack of voter ID, ballot curing, machine adjudication, and all sorts of illegal rule changes (including in Pennsylvania) - allowed for the Democrats to steal the election.

  • There are precisely two sexes, there is no such thing as ‘gender’ as some distinct category, and men cannot transform into women or vice versa.

  • Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea all love Joe Biden because they know he’s weak and view him as an opportunity to grow their own power and tear down US-led Western world. They don’t view the Obama/Biden foreign policy as some sort of olive branch to which they’ll reciprocate; they simply view it as American weakness to be taken advantage of.

  • Media narratives including “Very fine people on both sides”, horse whips, injecting Clorox, “Mexicans are rapists”, children in cages, the pee tape, the Steele Dossier, the “Dark and divisive” Mount Rushmore speech, the postal service is stealing mailboxes, “suckers and losers”, “It is what it is”, paid only $750 in taxes, “Stand back and stand by”, the Russian bounties, used tear gas in DC for a photo op, the Georgia phone call, the NASCAR noose, and of course, “This is MAGA country!” - ALL turned out to be hoaxes crafted by the Democrats and their Pravda Media sycophants.

The non-squish conservatives called virtually all of this. We saw it all coming because we see ‘The Cathedral’ and understand the absolute corruption and Orwell-caliber propaganda being pumped from the left at all times.

But even though we’ve been right about virtually everything, we’ve been attacked and called every name in the book along the way. It’s so frustrating and so tedious because our ‘conspiracy theories’ always end up being right in the end, the mainstream narratives always end up being wrong, and nothing ever changes.

And even after the media slowly and gradually acknowledges that so many of their narratives ended up being wrong, they never admit it, they never self-reflect, and they certainly never apologize to us for having lied about us for so long.

I’m often reminded of a classic Simpsons clip with Hank Scorpio.


Scorpio is a terrorist who threatens the world, and he blows up a bridge in New York to prove he’s not bluffing. The UN responds by saying the bridge probably collapsed on its own and had nothing to do with Scorpio.

We conservatives keep calling out the Scorpios of the world (aka. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Critical Race Theory, unfettered illegal immigration, fentanyl, gender theory, the 1619 Project, anti-Americanism, FBI/CIA corruption, the creeping rise of authoritarianism in the West, the Silicon Valley oligopoly, the decline of free speech, gun control, 3rd wave feminism destroying the family structure, the mass murder of babies in the womb etc…)

We keep warning the world about these evils and the catastrophes they’re unleashing on our society, and then we get branded “conspiracy theorists”. And then when our predictions inevitably come true, the same people who branded us kooks and conspiracy theorists then proclaim “Sure, these bad things happened, but they’re just coincidental and having nothing to do with what you warned us about! It’s pure coincidence that after you warned us about how Biden’s policies with Keystone XL and Nordstream 2 would empower Putin, now suddenly Putin is empowered. Pure coincidence!”

It gets so tedious after a while.

We’re right about everything.


you can find the author on twitter @heyyoudvd

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