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Is this our modern Gallipoli moment? 

Our baptism of fire, hell and brimstone?
In a recent article, someone commented that what Gallipoli did to unite us as a Nation, Covid and our governments have been undone in 2 years.
And what a statement of truth that was.
Flysa suggested "  Australia arrived in Gallipoli as six separate States and returned as a Nation with its own national identity." 
In achieving this, of the over 50,000 Australians who served at Gallipoli during a period of 260 days, there were 8,159 deaths in total, comprised of 5,482 killed in action, 2,012 deaths from wounds, and 665 deaths from disease.   
It strikes me that over 100 years of unity have been wiped out by a virus of questionable potency. And all with our government sanction. 

If we consider the virus of war, it kills so many more than a flu bug.

I am no statistician or mathematical clever clogs - but it seems to me that Gallipoli is almost an ideal indicator of the horror that is the war being waged against freedom.  
Consider this:
50,000 men were at Gallipoli. Of them, 665 died of disease. Of course, disease would encompass so many things: typhoid, TB, who knows what else? No doubt dysentery and so on.
The current population of Australia is 25 million. We have had around 7,000 deaths from ( or with ) covid.
It's like one of those questions we used to get at school : if it takes two men 3 weeks to dig a ditch, how long would it take 23 men to dig the same ditch?
I just rang my dear young nephew- 12 years old - and asked him to sort this out for me. He diligently did so.
Now, I am great with words., but hopeless with numbers unless they have a $ sign in front of them.
It seems to me, numerically challenged as I am, that death from disease has never been factored into casualties of war.
So why is it that the entire western world has been brought to its knees because of a virus?
The obvious conclusion is that we are at war.
This is our Gallipoli, our Somme, our Guadalcanal, or Midway, our Pearl Harbor, our Normandy... only the casualties being counted are only those that die from covid.
All the others are of no consequence. Those that are dying from neglected health issues because the war against covid closed down our health care systems; the war against covid closed down our ability to walk in the sunshine and breathe in fresh air - instead, we were masked and forced to live in the trenches of lockdown.
While our brave soldiers fought on foreign soil to defend the freedom of someone else a long way away from our own homes, it seems to me that we are being told to hide in the bomb shelters and live in fear because of a disease that kills sweet bugger all in terms of ratio … did they stop the battle at Gallipoli because 665 died from disease?
1.33% for Gallipoli
.028%  for Covid.

My young friend told me that we shut down the world for a tennis ball yet the real problem is the basketball in our midst. In my opinion. 

Yes, you read that right. Point zero two eight percent death rate for covid. And we lost our Nation for those .028% and our leaders pat themselves on the back.
Did the powers that be shut the war down because of a bowling ball?
They shut it down for a tennis ball. In 2020 our Nation closed down and we went into debt for .028% of the population. 
Did they shut down the tragedy of war for 665 deaths from the diseases at Gallipoli? No. They kept fighting and lost 16% of the population at Gallipoli.... can you imagine if we had lost 16% of our  Australian population through Covid?
It all comes down to perspective.
And, through the eyes of a child, I saw how ridiculous and cruel the last 2 years have been.
It all came down to balls.
And who has them.
Not our current crop of politicians that is for sure.
What is happening today is turning a squash ball into a basketball. Covid.
The ball that stripped the balls from our Nation.
The real problem is the Chinese basketball and it is about to slam dunk......
Yet governments encourage it, fuel it and throw money at it. Yet no one ever questions .
No one has any balls anymore. 

I remember when we did question. I remember when we had a real leader of the free world.


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