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As we trudge wearily and warily on through 2022, I wonder how much further we can trudge before we become bogged down in the mud of the swamp that has become our lives?

As we are rewarded for being good little peasants, so are we told that we are being naughty and, for our own good mind you, we must stay on the straight and narrow and forge on resolutely and trust in the wisdom of our leaders.

Yeah, right.

 It seems to me that the only people getting rich are the governments and we, the people, have been sold a lie.

As each day passes, the net is closing in on us. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated are we now abundantly aware that we have been dealt a porky pie of such monumental level that I doubt we will ever trust the government again.

Forced to wear masks for over 2 years, people are getting sick. Really sick. Forced to take so-called vaccinations in order to feed families and work. 

Healthy nonsmokers are being diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and athletes are keeling over with heart problems. Fit and previously vibrant young people in their 20's and prime of life are dying of heart attacks.

Blood clots have become so passe these days. To be on-trend, the latest craze is cancer or a heart attack.

As a non vaccinated, mask free human being ( I hesitate to use the word man or woman these days ) I am seeing friends and family fall victim to the covid crisis and the inevitably of premature death or a life of being an invalid.

I often think about the word invalid and see it these days as in valid. " Without foundation or force in fact, truth, or law. "

Because the minute you become unwell or invalid, unvaccinated or non compliant, you become IN VALID. 

It concerns me that the last few years have turned us into either invalids or IN VALIDS. Or BOTH.

I recently saw a video from China where someone filmed an in valid being extracted from his apartment to be taken to a camp - no doubt for " his own protection."

Why this fascination with camps after so many decades?

 In Australia, we have camps being built to house people with Covid. Or maybe not having Covid. Apparently Covid gives governments power to restrain and detain because we are invalid or IN VALID. 


Guests? Give me a break. And no, the camp is not a wellness camp as some suggest. Wellcamp is the name of the area where the facility was built and it is owned by the same family that built the international airport outside of Toowoomba - the Wagners. There is a one year lease in place with the Queensland government. After that? Who knows...

The fact remains that people around the world are being herded off to camps for " their own protection " or that of the rest of the world.

We unvaccinated Australians still cannot leave our own country.  

Remember February 2, 2020? That’s when the WHO could have saved millions of lives and told the world to turn off the flights and keep the Wuhan Flu in Wuhan. Instead Tedros, the former belt-n-road Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, told the world ridiculous fictions and Chief Health Officers believed him.

Now the WHO wants bigger better pandemic treaties. Like the IPCC but so much worse.

A few years ago, before Covid, the WHO recommended Australia needed to do more to overcome “vaccine hesitancy”. Apparently we needed electronic systems for storing information on ill travellers, and we needed to establish centralized vaccination registries… that’s page 28 of the recommendations from “Australia’s National Action Plan for Health Security 2019-2023 “. source

So I  just ask the question: why can I not leave the Hotel California that is my country? According to the government website, I cannot get out of this penal colony I once called home and love UNLESS I am vaccinated or have an exemption. 


What possible reason can be given for this? 

 As Senator Rennick says: “I cannot for the life of me see the health risks in an unvaccinated person leaving the country.”

I suppose the upside is that I do not live in Shanghai in China.

But to be honest, while I am not locked in my apartment yet, I am locked in my country.

Is it just becoming semantics? 

I no longer know.

What I do know is that the Seven dwarfs went cheerily off to work in 1937 but today are digging gold and diamonds for Snow White who actually has turned out to be a lot less than snowy white. In fact she is the evil Queen.

Perhaps the Eagles got it right all those years ago.

We can check in but we can never leave.

 And they want me to vote for them?


I will be with Pauline, Craig Kelly and anyone who still thinks that I have the RIGHT to be an Australian and use my passport that says very clearly

The Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia being the representative in Australia of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second requests all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer, an Australian Citizen, to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford him or her every assistance and protection of which he or she may stand in need. "


Now tell me. how the hell can a government in Australia tell me that I cannot leave?




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