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Eddie grew to be a wonderful little dog except for one annoying trait.

He was a rover, a sticky-beak, and a compulsive investigator that caused me no end of worry.

A pee-stop on the highway, for example, might have him vanishing into the bush and beyond earshot, although I was never sure about that - selective hearing, perhaps. In the three years we were mates I spent much of that wandering the streets whistling and yelling his name.

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In the world of movies, it's often expected that the good guys triumph over the bad guys in the end.

Heroes save the day, villains are thwarted, and justice prevails. However, Looney Toons, with its zany and unpredictable nature, dares to defy this convention. In the Looney Toons universe, victory is not the ultimate goal, and nobody truly wins.

Instead, the focus is on having a bloody laugh.  It is the unique premise of Looney Toons: where winning takes a backseat to laughter and the joy of watching our favorite characters engage in simply being silly. 

You see, in Looney Toons, failure is celebrated as a source of laughter rather than a cause for despair. Whether it's a grand scheme gone bugger up or a simple mishap, the characters bounce back from their misfortunes with resilience and unwavering optimism.

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Until her untimely death on April 9, 2021 Dr. Judith Reisman was a lifelong champion for the rights of children. 

Her death came 10 days after she received the second corona virus “ jab.” We will probably never know what her cause of death was, other than it was put down to natural causes. We will probably never know if it was a result of the vaccine or because she had existing health issues.

But this, for the moment, is not the matter of her death that makes her extraordinary, but the matter of her life.

Judith Reisman was the woman who exposed the dark side of the man who is seen as a prophet and a devil, depending upon which side of the moral fence you sit. His name was Alfred Kinsey.

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While obituaries this week will rightfully laud Daniel Ellsberg for his disclosure of the lies and deceptions behind the Vietnam War, two ideological descendants of the Pentagon Papers, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, remain unfree.

This weekend marks 11 years since Julian Assange entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and began his confinement as a political prisoner. The torture that he has endured is not just an attack on his rights of free expression and journalism; it is an assault on your right to be an informed citizen. 

His persecution was a harbinger for the merger of state and corporate interests, the increased suppression of dissent, and the dual system of law that indemnifies the powerful and punishes dissidents. 

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I have been following Steampunk for a while, it is an interesting concept...  How do you distill it down?  What is it all about? 
Having just attended the Steampunk festival in Port Townsend, USA, it was aptly called the "Brass Screw Consortium".  A bunch of fun people with a great perspective on life.  Rather extroverted and boy, do they love to dress up!
The fun new word I learned was "Bodgers". They take old stuff and make fun stuff out of it, that looks like old machinery or electrical Tesla machines with lights that sparkle and move.
They have tea ceremonies, fun musical instruments, and bells on their legs when they dance.

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" Pity Party Prince Harry" and manipulative " Miss Meghan Markle "  may well be the most narcissistic couple on the planet: endlessly self-absorbed, utterly oblivious to others’ feelings, and blaming everyone but themselves for all their “troubles.”

And precisely what “injustices” do the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have to gripe about? Of the world’s eight billion folks, Meghan and Harry are easily among the richest one-tenth of one percent, two of the few thousand royals, as well as young, beautiful, and (physically at least) healthy to boot.

Perhaps their real problem is that they are typical well-heeled leftists: incredibly entitled, dangerously bored, cynically secular, and desperately in search of meaning. If they were not such fine-looking celebrities, who would give them a second look?

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 As children, we constantly asked that most annoying of all questions: WHY?  The most patient of parents would eventually close the session down with the statement " Because I said so. " 

And that was an end to it. And that is what our governments have done with Vaccines, with transgender issues; with racial division and with just about every issue we face today. 

When we ask " Why "  the politicians and bureaucrats simply said " Because we told you so. " 

That is the crux of the issue.  And I, for one, am bloody sick of it. 

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The introduction of Eddie to his new home would have to wait, as I had to get to Sydney on business, three hours behind the wheel. I had everything I needed for the dog, collar, lead, bowl and a half bag of dried puppy food. And so we went, Eddie comfortably settled on the passenger seat, grinning at me—probably thinking—“sucker.”

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I have been to England and France many times always accompanied by my wife.

We have visited all the famous places in England and played Monopoly in real life terms in London.

When I come across something of interest I like to ponder it in detail.

This usually ends up with a tug on the sleeve and a word in my ear telling me “Come on. You have seen enough of that. I want to look at the shops.”

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A while ago, we published an article about Steampunk. It amazes me that since then, many comments on our blog come back to steam power. I suppose it is because steam power played a crucial role in the Industrial Revolution, transforming societies and powering the advancement of technology. My late Uncle was a great fan of steam power and often held court expounding its virtues. 

It marked a significant shift from human and animal labour to mechanisation, revolutionising transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture. People are fascinated by steam power because it represents a pivotal moment in human history, symbolising progress, innovation, and the birth of modernity.

A far cry from today, when we are increasingly told to turn the clock back and return to the dark ages. For dark ages they will be if we don't pull our fingers out and stop with the woke wankery invading our world today. 

Anyway, back to the purpose of this article. Why are we so fascinated with steam power? 

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These days, we hear an awful lot about polls. Polls about The Voice, Trans Gender, Abortion, Ukraine. In fact, polls are conducted on all contentious subjects. It is amazing to think that so many people when polled, respond with the third option of "I don't know. " 

I wonder. Is it because they don't know? Or is it because they are too scared to admit their true feelings? Who, these days, is brave ( or foolish ) enough to get off the fence and choose a side? 

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