Government policymakers and lawmakers obsessed with “climate change” seem blind to the ugly realities of their own policies. Force-feeding electric vehicles on Americans is a regressive fool’s errand that won’t impact the climate, will necessitate more mining and exploitation of laborers in the developing world, and will put our economic well-being and security at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party.

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Sparrow Force was one of three formations rapidly put together by the Australian Government in March and April of 1941 when concern was rising about the intentions of the Japanese to enter WW2 as a combatant and to form a ring of defenses against any advance on Australia. The three forces were given code names of birds: Gull, Lark and Sparrow. Gull and Sparrow were formed at the request of the Dutch government.

Gull Force was sent to Ambon and was soon overcome. The survivors were then mainly executed.

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On 19th February, 1942 real war came to Australia when two air raids by Japanese carrier based aircraft wrecked the town and the adjacent army and RAAF bases.

The first inkling that anybody in Australia had that something was about to occur was at 9.30am on Bathurst Island, about 80kms NE of Darwin. When the missionaries and islanders saw a huge formation of aircraft at high altitude. The mission was headed by Father John McGrath who also acted as a volunteer coastwatcher.The mission was equipped with a radio transceiver linked to the AWA Darwin Coastal Station under call sign VID. AWA ran many aeradio stations under contract to the Department of Civil Aviation with range all over Australia and as far as Portuguese Timor.

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I ran a post this morning which was all about the fact that Nature seems to have a better handle on things than Humanity right now. 

It explored the delight of a bird or a bee or a butterfly or a dolphin - how Nature seems to just get on with Life and Humanity seems to get on with Death. 

Things were going swimmingly well until a poster put up a post that suggested that the only good cat was a dead cat. How they were just killing machines.

Well, you can imagine that it did not go down too well with me or my readers. 

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Some time ago, I saw a photo of a little red wren and I smiled. That pretty, delicate little creature was hopping about doing what it does best and that little bird seemed blissfully unaware of what our world seems to think it is confronting. It was so nice to smile again. 

I see images of cats and dogs, romping, sleeping, enjoying the sunshine and the joy of life and that magnificent wonder of being alive.

How the hell have we humans got it so wrong?

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I have lived through the Covid years. the lockdowns, the bushfires, the floods, the elections, the lies, deceit and the Ukraine " situation ", Now I am facing the Balloons and the Alien Invasions.

The Climate Change years where a demented 16 year old wept and grimaced and said how dare you ( mind you, much better said by Rowan Dean to be fair ) and the years when ordinary citizens were locked up, knocked down and shut up, locked up and told that it was all for " our own good. "

It has been a crazy couple of years, hasn't it?

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After I won my landmark “quarantine camp” lawsuit against GovernorHochul and her Department of Health a few months ago, people from around the globe started reaching out to me. Some wanted to simply send congratulations on a job well done, and thank me for giving them hope that this tyranny that somehow magically took hold contemporanously in countries around the world, could be defeated.

But many others wanted more than that. They wanted actual help. They wanted to know how they could fight back against the intense tyranny in their countries. So, I started doing interviews and presentations to groups based in the UK, South Africa, Canada, and Australia.

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It may sound cruel to say so, but such thinking closely mirrors that of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

Planned economics is enjoying yet another revival. Climate protection advocates and anti-capitalists are demanding that capitalism be abolished and replaced with a planned economy.

Otherwise, they claim, humanity has no chance of survival.

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These days, it seems that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Biden is racing off to buy another ice cream cone or checking out the latest balloon shop in China online;  Albo is marching with homosexuals; Vice President Harris is marveling that an electric bus can have a USB port ( fancy that? ) and we can all eat ice cream on the electric bus as it explodes because of the lithium battery. 

But it's OK folks. Don't worry. 

When you die from vaccination side effects or freezing to death because of power outages, you can die happy in the knowledge that you did your bit to save the planet.

America is in meltdown; China is smelling the blood of its foes and the wolves are circling the injured prey that is our Civilisation.

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