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It is a little known fact that our Australian Aboriginal trackers saved the lives of many people, with their unfathomable skills. Our Founding Fathers of Australia were in awe of them.

Anyone who believes their intentions were in bad faith towards them does not know what they are talking about.

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The danger posed in Colonial times to our “unique native peoples” in Australia was of great concern to our Founding Fathers. The true Australian history posed a threat to our enemies, and they continue to attack, contort and invert our Australian history. They do so to this day.

There was a reason early publications and textbooks by authors with direct accounts and those eye witnesses to the horror of the Pacific Ocean Slave Traders were removed from the shelves of the Australian schools, universities and public libraries.

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Our enemies are aware most Australians of this generation have never been taught our own history.

Our enemies feel free to conflate the experience of all persons with black skin as “victims of racism”, just as they conflate the experience of all persons with white skins as “perpetrators of racism”, regardless of the truth or accuracy of their ideological agenda.

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Is the Australian Constitution Racist? 

Many Australians over recent decades have been told that the Australian Constitution is “racist”. They point to the so called “White Australia Policy”, and an original provision in the Australian Constitution.

The label "White Australia Policy " was invented by the enemies of our unique “Native Peoples”, for their own nefarious private interests.

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Australia’s highest Law is our Australian Constitution. Any laws not made under our Constitution are unlawful. State Law is subject to our Australian Constitution, as are all Local Government laws.

Any laws which infringe, erode or deny our Inalienable Natural Rights are unlawful. Such laws are repugnant to the Australian Constitution which enshrines your Inalienable Natural Rights.

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