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At the beginning of March, 2023, I join Monty in celebrating Irish month. 

There are many men and women who hail from Ireland and have made lives in other countries over the decades.

Today, I celebrate one woman of Irish heritage and the men who made her life notorious.The woman who was Ned Kelly's mother. I can think of no more fitting person to start our journey.

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Away back in the good old days

   when men could find a job;

When money was as good as gold

     and tax was just two bob;

When men would work and say with pride

     that they weren’t on the dole;

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The Welsh journalist Gareth Jones was later killed on assignment, likely for reporting the truth about the 1932-1933 Terror-Famine in Ukraine. 

The deaths in Ukraine of several foreign journalists covering Russia’s war hit many people like a punch in the gut in 2022. We rightly respect those who take risks to bring us the news and when they suffer or die, we know that the truth does too.

The tragedies in Ukraine remind me of another journalist who lost his life on the front lines. Coincidentally, he is most revered for his coverage of events in Ukraine some 90 years ago.

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While people around the world call for changes in names of sporting teams, ban words and promote slogans like “ Black Lives Matter “ I have to wonder when they will turn their nasty attention to words that were used with innocent affection and had no ill intent.

As a proud and Patriotic Citizen of Australia, I believe there are many here today who owe their lives to the heroic deeds of “  The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. “

If some leftist comes after that name, then they had better be ready for a fight.

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Much is written these days about wise men. About foolish men. Dangerous men. Men who stir the pot for self-gratification or for brownie points on their Santa list. Men who do or did brave things and bucked the system in order to do what is right.

These men will come and go and history will gnaw at their bones like pieces of meat to be devoured and rendered back unto ashes with only the history books to remember their legacy - faithfully recorded or severely edited, depending upon the political and societal climate of the day. 

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Why wasn't  Breaker Morant’s poetry taught to us oldies in school? Is it fair to say that this talented Bush Poet, Harry Harbord (Breaker) Morant, was thrown under the bus by Lord Kitchener? 

Kitchener sacrificed Breaker ( and Handcock) in order to mollify the Germans over the killing of a German missionary and to shift the blame of all the death and destruction from himself and the British. 

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It is a tragedy that Australia forgets to celebrate those who travelled this vast land and gave us the gift that we enjoy today: a life that many used to envy and is being destroyed by ill educated bureaucrats and politicians. 

Teachers who no longer teach. Parents who no longer parent. News channels who do not report what is new but simply churn out regurgitated media lies instead of truth.

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1942 was the most terrifying year in our history. It was the one and only time that our country was under serious threat of invasion. We have never been, before or since, poised on such a knife edge as we were when Singapore fell and Darwin was bombed. Not just Darwin. It got the publicity. What about Broome, Wyndham, Townsville, Newcastle and Sydney? Prominent figures like PM Curtin, Gen Macarthur and high profile others got the plaudits but none of them saved us from a Japanese invasion. There are three men who did.

They are the unsung heroes who actually did save us from a fate worse than death and they did it in spite of the handicaps heaped upon them by Macarthur and Blamey. They all fell victim to the little man syndrome that afflicted Blamey and the ego of Macarthur that needed constant feeding.

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What does the future hold? How the hell will we cope moving on? Our economies are in meltdown; our freedoms destroyed and the Thought Police are censoring our lives through fear. They are aiming for castles in the sky but forgetting that, in order to get there, you have to travel a dangerous road and someone has to be the driver.

We are poisoning ourselves with vaccines ( not me or most people I know ) and locking ourselves away from normality because we are too scared to stick our heads above the radar and risk being arrested for negative thoughts.

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:…the president has made American support for Ukraine the centerpiece of his argument for a revitalized alliance in Europe, and he had told advisers that he wanted to mark the first anniversary of the invasion as a way of reassuring allies that his administration remains committed….” — The New York Times, Feb 20, 2023

Secret Agent Man “Joe Biden” turned up in Kiev Monday morning after landing in Poland and riding an overnight choo-choo train across the Ukraine frontier to avoid the hazardous pomp of landing Air Force One in a war zone. One might try to guess the message Victoria Nuland sent her errand boy to deliver. My guess is that “JB” was there to tell Wolodymyr Zelensky the USA stands behind him one hundred percent — an obvious whopper — being exactly the opposite of the developing reality that, short of setting off nuclear Armageddon, there is really nothing the USA can do to prevent Russia from concluding our ill-conceived project on its own terms. Who better to deliver an arrant falsehood than the master, “Scranton Joe,” he who once battled and vanquished the tyrant Corn-Pop!

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In the 1960s Europe was European.  Germany was German. France was French.  Italy was Italian. The Netherlands were Dutch. Sweden was Swedish. Spain was Spanish. The distinct ethnic nationalities gave Europe a lot of diversity.  Today all of these countries are towers of babel like the US and Canada. Even as recent as the beginning of the 21st century, immigrant-invaders accounted for only 1.6% of the Spanish population.  Twenty years later immigrant-invaders are 15% of the population.  Immigrant-invaders make up 26% of the German population.

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