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The Great Australian Dream. You work your arse off all of your life to make money to provide for your family, provide a home and ensure their future is secure. You pay your taxes and look back with no regrets: a life hard worked and life hard earned.

You didn’t go out for dinner, except for VERY special occasions and you went without that beer or new pair of shoes so that your kids would get to wear the school uniform and have the books that would afford them a sound education.

After years of graft, working long hours and slogging your heart out, you finally reach the end of the road: a freehold house, a secure future, well educated children and the promise of a well deserved and well earned treat.

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The blatant and shameless authoritarian power of Government has just been publically played out across the world with no attempt to be subtle. 

It is the Truth that is on trial here. Not Julian Assange. Just as it was and is with Tommy Robinson. When Journalists and Citizen Journalists are arrested for doing their job, one has to wonder who is wagging the dog.

Whoever the Master is, holds the life of Julian Assange and the Life of Truth in their hands. That is a chilling prospect. 

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All over the western world, we are seeing the faces of entire Nations, the history and the future undergo a complete makeover. It is not being done with lipstick, cosmetics or skin treatments at a day spa. It is a surgical transformation. A completely new face.

We are part of a full transformation and if it does not scare you, it should. 

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Yesterday, in the heat of the Christchurch attack, I wrote an article that came from my heart. I was so upset, angry and outraged that the country of my birth could be so violated by the horror of what the rest of the world endures.. it really angered me. 
 To see such violence and loss of life in a country that sits so comfortably in that genuinely "lovely" sphere so horribly corrupted was beyond my comprehension.
New Zealand? A Nation of green fields and sheep, lazy summer afternoons? Oh, and hills hoists.

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Where I live, here in Southern Queensland, we had some rain. Nearly 4 inches of glorious " flannery " that came down in a gentle but persistent drenching.  Hearing the sound and smelling that magnificent smell that only rain can have - after so long in the heat and the dry summer that left us all exhausted with the sheer tormentuous misery that I call summer.... it was a joyous and happy night. That rain could be so delightful and so calming is a relief and a Godsend. When Mr Tim Flannery forecasted all those years ago that we would never see our dams full, he got it spectacularly wrong.

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In my dream, a country at the bottom of the world known only for sheep, fiords and interesting accents had suddenly become front page on the news around the world.

In my dream, a city called Christchurch – say it slowly and in two syllables as separate words, had become the scene of a massacre carried out by an Australian. How bizarre is that? An Aussie shooting Kiwis? In  a city where the Rugby Union team is called “The Crusaders? “ At a Mosque? Crazy stuff. But it gets weirder.


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Troubled times. Bad times. Times of biblical proportions.

Plagues of Lord knows what... times of trouble and destruction and times to end all times.

 What we need is an old fashioned Preacher Man.

Do we already have him?


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Do you remember the days when people had white lace curtains whereby they could see out but no one could see in?

Well, I just got some. OK, not lace, but “ sheers”  as they are called today. They let you see out the window but no one can see in.

No one can see in. Think about it.  Are we going back to an Iron Curtain?

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I wonder how Jake the Muss is going to react in a few years time if he adopts “ Bully “ as his mate?

Because we all know how that went down.

We all remember the movie “ Once Were Warriors”

The Patriach who epitomised Domestic Violence, Alcohol Abuse, abandonment of traditional values; set against his ever strong wife, his defiant and rebellious son, his gentle daughter and his ever present mate Bully.

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Fraser Anning is probably the most talked about Politician in Australia. He is controversial. Hated – in some cases Despised. He is ridiculed for having been elected because of 19 votes.

Well, whoever those 19 people were or are, you created a man who has turned Australian Politics on its head , twisted it and almost wrung it’s neck.

Is he a man who is saying what some of us think but are too afraid to say?

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 We are asked to believe that a single nutter from Australia came across the ditch and managed to obtain weapons and singlehandedly carry out a massacre of innocent people in a Mosque in Christchurch. From obscurity, the country that the rich and famous invested millions in, in order to secure their bolt hole should “ things go wrong “ New Zealand suddenly became the most talked about country in the world.

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