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I read this on facebook and it moved me so much I asked for permission to share it.

Thankfully, I was granted permission to pass it on. 

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I saw a comment online recently and thought to myself; " Now that is a brilliant question. More importantly, what a fantastic use of experience and knowledge.

Let me explain.

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Redhead recently adopted two little manx cats: a brother and sister. they HAD to be kept together because the little sister was too frightened and fragile to be left on her own. Her big brother was there to protect her and his job was to keep her safe.

Well, that turned out to be a bit of a swizz.

Or, as we say here on patriotrealm.... a bit of a swoosh. Let me explain.

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I do not know how many of you remember BK - a poster who always said hard truths.

I found an article he wrote back in 2020.

Well worth a read. Written some years ago and all too true....

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The story of what became arguably Britain's last stand as a major global military power.

World history has recorded a lot of rulers who have attempted to use a small war to gain a popularity boost but overestimated the strength of their forces and reaped disaster instead of triumph. One of the clearest examples of this was the late 20th century conflict in the Falkland Islands.

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In 2021, the government of Australia colluded with three vaccine manufacturers to oppress the Australian people with various levels of discrimination, coercion, propaganda, unlawful detainment, segregation, digital compliance systems and broader threats to individuals’ livelihoods. These totalitarian actions were not rooted in any data or science and provided no public health benefit. These actions were designed to break people down psychologically, to subdue their body autonomy and personal beliefs and force experiments into their bodies.

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