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Have you ever found yourself completely losing your temper in the middle of a heated struggle of some sort?  Whether it is a hotly contested sporting event, an actual fist fight or a bitter battle against an online foe, it can be way too easy to lose your temper. 

And when tempers flare, you can end up losing control and doing things that you deeply regret later.  Unfortunately, the same thing is true on an international level.  Russia and NATO have both become absolutely obsessed with “winning” in Ukraine, and leaders on both sides are getting angrier and angrier.  And when leaders become extremely angry, they can do really stupid things.

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It’s time to end the Cuban Embargo—and its successors.

Cuba is a country so impoverished that the people don't beg for money on the streets. They beg for underwear, pencils, and aspirin.

And this is a country that was one of the wealthiest in Latin America prior to the Cuban Communist Revolution, not to mention a famous tourist destination known for glamor and luxury, all of which you can now see decaying on the streets of Havana.

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The chief of Russia's General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, relayed his concerns to his US and British counterparts in a rare phone call.

Moscow has discussed the threat of Kiev potentially using a “dirty bomb” with London and Washington at the level of the chiefs of the General Staff, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday. The Russian chief of defense, General Valery Gerasimov, raised his country's concerns in a phone call with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, after having a similar conversation with his British counterpart, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin. 

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Joe Rogan clearly understands the corrupting nature of power.

The Oracle of Delphi famously said that Socrates was the wisest man in all of Greece because he alone understood how little he actually knew.

The anecdote reflects the intellectual humility of Socrates, who had a knack for getting to the nub of things by asking good questions, which is a largely lost art today.

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Close to 800 million sealed face coverings that were manufactured for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic will soon be incinerated as fuel to keep people in Germany warm this upcoming dark winter.

Reports indicate that the economic powerhouse of Europe is struggling to stay afloat amid the ongoing altercation between Russia and Ukraine-NATO. This has left the country unable to obtain or produce enough energy to make it through the cold season.

Many in Germany are panicking and trying to buy firewood, stoves, wood pellets and anything else they can get their hands on to create heat due to the impending loss of oil and gas reserves.

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Malcolm Roberts just gave a speech in Parliament. It is well worth recording here and remembering that some of our politicians are still sane.

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