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Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there were two cities called Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were known for their excessive indulgence and wicked ways. People lived life on the edge, throwing caution to the wind and embracing their darkest desires.

Now, word got out about these cities and their debauchery, reaching Heaven itself.

God decided that enough was enough. He sent two angels down to check out the situation firsthand and see if things were as bad as they sounded.

The angels arrived in Sodom and were immediately greeted by a man named Lot, who happened to be one of the few decent folks around. Lot invited the angels to stay at his place and showed them some good old-fashioned hospitality.

However, news of the angels' arrival spread like wildfire, and the wicked citizens of Sodom caught wind of it. They surrounded Lot's house, demanding that he bring out the angels so they could have their way with them. Yes, you heard that right. They wanted to get a tad " freaky "  with the angels.

But Lot, being the righteous chap that he was, refused to hand over the angels. He even offered up his own daughters instead, which is pretty messed up in itself. I have often wondered if he did this to shock them out of the mental stupor they were in .... but it matters not for the purposes of this tale. Fortunately, the angels stepped in, striking the lustful mob with temporary blindness. That bought Lot and the angels some time to hatch an escape plan.

The angels warned Lot and his family that God had decided to rain down some serious punishment on Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. They were given one simple instruction: get out of town, and don't look back. No turning back to snap a selfie with the epic destruction.

So, Lot, his wife, and their two daughters high-tailed it out of there, with the angels guiding them to safety. But, as they were fleeing, Lot's wife couldn't resist taking a quick glance over her shoulder. And just like that, she turned into a pillar of salt. 

Again, a strange thing for God to do. But in many ways, it was an interesting moment. Did she look back with regret? And why salt? Or more importantly, why a pillar? To me, it is the pillar that is the big word. A monument - but more on that later.  

Meanwhile, back in Sodom and Gomorrah, all hell broke loose. Fire and brimstone rained down from the sky, obliterating the cities and everything in them. It was like a fireworks show from hell, or should I say, a fire show from Heaven?

In the end, Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to ashes, a cautionary tale of what happens when you let your desires run wild without any moral compass.

It's a reminder that even in modern times, excessive indulgence and wickedness can lead to a seriously nasty collapse of humanity.

I tell this story today, not to retell a tale from the Bible for its own sake, but to say how I could have been writing about modern society.

Is Western Society having a Sodom moment? 

I fear so. 

A coalition of activists, politicians, university and media elite, and even some in the scientific community, is encouraging the citizens of the world to throw caution to the wind and embrace a war against the “natural order”.

Our old friend Noah packed his bags and got a fast stage out of dodge because he knew what was coming. Lot could see the " writing on the wall " ( as Flysa wrote so well a few days ago ) and headed out of town. 

Many of us did this when we said " No " to the vaccine. Many are cutting ties with society and going bush. We want to leave the cities behind and leave the masses to their self-imposed hell on earth, where children can change gender as easily as changing their underwear and pretend to be a cat because it seems a fun thing to do. As our contributor, Pensioner Pete said "If they want to identify as a cat, give them a can of cat food and see how long it lasts. " 

We saw it when the Roman Empire collapsed under the weight of corruption, both moral and political. 

We are seeing it with western civilisation where the possession of a good moral compass is as rare as a hen's tooth or a unicorn's horn. In fact, the problem as I see it is that you can't go on eBay and buy a moral compass. You have to build it yourself or inherit it from your parents or grandparents.

The tragedy is that, like Lot, we are being forced to make trade-offs and all the while hoping that an angel will come in and save the day. Our problem is that our angels are being cast out of politics and the media, The good guys are losing.

As our society collapses in front of our eyes, I think I am not alone in believing that the eruption that is about to occur is inevitable and is perversely almost welcome. 

I wonder if it is simply time to get out of town before the shit hits the fan because hit, it surely will.

The Pillar of Salt that was Lot's wife reminds me that, when we make a decision, we should not look back. Yet I fear that many today will look back with enormous regret and wish they had made better decisions.

But it will be too late for too many and they will stand as monuments to the evil that has overtaken our society in recent years.

God help us, because no one else will.