Written by: Op-Ed Blythe

Until people learn that the same propaganda they see in media, schools, and entertainment today - lying to them and subverting society -  they won't know who their true enemies are. 

And, the most important thing to remember is that it has been in effect for at least the last 100 years.

 In 1944 the Australian politician Arthur Calwell was unhappy that some newspapers were not following wartime censorship restrictions. 

Back then as the Minister for Information, he said 

All this vaunted freedom of the press on the part of newspaper magnates will not permit views to be published which they do not desire to be published. There is no such thing as freedom of the press, except for those who own and control the newspapers of Australia.

Read this quote let it sink in for a moment and see if it rings true.

"... It is a small rootless international clique that is turning the people against each other, that does not want them to have peace..."

Sounds pretty recent and true of our current situation?

The warning could have been said by Trump himself or the majority of the members on this forum.

Would it surprise you, then,  that the warning didn't come recently at all, but nearly 80 years ago by Adolf Hitler?

Mark Twain's quote comes to mind to summarize it well;

"How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

Cognitive dissonance and the uneasiness one may feel if their perceived worldview crashes around them, keeps many from digging too deep. This traps many in a delusional state of conformity.

When you start looking into all the much too taboo topics that Google suppresses and bans the topic from seeing the light of day, It surely makes one wonder.

Perversely, all manner of degenerate sexual smut is good for all to see?  It should be enough to make anyone with honest intentions start to question.

After WW2 General Patton said that America had defeated the wrong enemy and that if the Germans were not replenished, communism would find its way here. In a letter to his wife he wrote this;

I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. I can’t tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany we will ensure that communism takes America.“ 

General Patton The Patton Papers 1940 1945 page 554

None of the depraved behaviors being passed off as normal today is a coincidence. It is, in my opinion,  a calculated agenda proven to collapse a once moral society. It worked to destroy Rome and proven again during the Weimer Republic of Germany.

Their acceptance of what they called  Das 3. Geschlecht or The Third Sex, along with the first surgical sex changes, prove they were nearly 100 years ahead of their time in terms of "progress and enlightenment" in regards to the plethora of homosexual and transgendered actions being normalized.


The leftist elitist play book hasn't even changed. They are using the same tactics today, using liberalism as the vehicle to wreak havoc on their way. All they have to do is get enough people to forgo their convictions and morals in the name of acceptance and progress.

We are conforming to accept wickedness as normal and decency as unnatural.

They demand your tolerance while they carry out all matter of wickedness as the social norm.