Written by: Op-Ed Shaydee Lane

Well, we now have it officially announced. The Australian Federal election is to be held on the 21st day of May. That means we will have to enure endless hours and weeks of political posturing so as to convince us that we should vote for the incumbent government or the coalition of Labor and the Greens.

Obviously, people like me will be voting for One Nation, UAP, Liberal Democrats - anyone but the raving bloody lunatic parties who are our current choices.

But sadly, the same people who line up to get their children vaccinated and are now seeing them fall ill with heart conditions, the same people who wear face nappies and are terrified of their own shadows should that shadow be infected with Covid; these are the people who will decide OUR future.

That is a frightening scenario indeed. In fact, what makes it worse is that the Liberals, the Nationals, and the Labor parties are all on board with backing the policies of the Greens. All to obtain 10% of the vote which could sway the future of the entire nation.

I just read the manifesto of the Monster Raving Loony Party in Britain and to be honest it was more sensible than the Greens manifesto. The biggest difference between the Loony Party and the Greens however is that the Loony Party does not take itself seriously. It actually promises that, if elected, they won’t implement any of their policies. The Greens on the other hand don’t even get elected but expect to have their policies implemented because they are masters of manipulation, emotional blackmail and media infiltration. Here is an excerpt from the  MANIC Festo of the Loony Party:

The Greens are in fact the Monster Raving Loony Party on steroids. They are a Party who have abandoned their grass roots ( pun intended ) and transformed in to a giant global bong of bad attitude, fear fostering and fire breathing eco evangelists whose sole purpose is to destroy Capitalism and replace it with a global government that is Godless, goal less and weirdly woke.

To be a modern Green, a person today must hate who they are and where they have come from. They must pledge allegiance to everyone and everything that is opposing what their parents and grandparents held dear:  values, virtue and hard work.

To be a modern Green, a person is not a man or a woman, nor is that person of any worth – even to themselves – because everything is focussed on the goal of destroying self worth, self respect and a desire to become a better person.


In fact, the modern Green is determined to become a non person of non binary bullshit who wants to be dominated by islam, fed raw vegetables, aborted at birth or any time before or after according to the whim of the mother figure ( who may or may not be female in terms of social definitions that are outdated and not woke enough) … yeah, even I am getting head spins trying to keep track.

But what is most troubling is that the modern Green is so hell bent on his/her/xis goal of destruction of self identity that they do not realise that they are campaigning for their OWN annihilation.

They have become Environmentalist Arsonists and Murderers and are fighting for their own suicide.

Sorry Greens, you are lunatics and you need to stop raving, stop being monsters and start doing what the rest of us do: work hard, love our children and families and keep the damn lights on.


It strikes me that what can change this election is we vote for the United Australia Party, One Nation. Katter Party and Liberal Democrats, we might be able to swing the pendulum back to normalcy. Obviously I am being simplistic in my overview, but we NEED to counteract the Greens with a powerful coalition of Commonsense.

A coalition of minor parties could save Australia.

If the Greens can change the policies of Conservative governments, could a Coalition Of Commonsense restore our Nation?

If, as I suspect will be the case, the Labor party wins the next election in coalition with the Greens, maybe, just maybe, we could block their power in the Senate with some decent Senators?

While our votes are important in the Lower House, our votes are more important in the Senate. 

I will be voting for all of the minor parties in the Senate because, if we get control of the Senate, we could turn this ship around.

Do we leave this to the so called experts for the next few years?

Remember experts built the Titanic

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